This is attributed to strain localization within the ASBs which r

This is attributed to strain localization within the ASBs which result in higher local strain and strain rates within the shear bands than in regions outside the bands. In addition, it is observed that the residual carbide particles trap and pin dislocations within the shear bands and contribute to an increase in local hardening. A more homogenous distribution of narrower and shorter rotational and shear-strain fields were revealed by the local deformation maps within the evolved ASBs. Lattice deformation mapping revealed that the ferrite matrix, prior to impact, had broader and longer rotational and

shear-strain fields perpendicular to the direction of impact. This is attributed to lattice-invariant deformation and shape deformation processes that occur on specific crystallographic planes during martensitic transformation. It is concluded that strain localization during high Pim inhibitor strain rate deformations does not occur on specific crystallographic planes. This results in a more regular distribution of internal lattice rotational find more and strain fields within the evolved ASBs.”
“Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of detachable interlock microcoils for an embolization of the internal iliac artery during an endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Materials and Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on 40 patients with aortic aneurysms, who had undergone an EVAR between

January 2010 and March 2012. Among them, Angiogenesis inhibitor 16 patients were referred for embolization of the internal iliac artery for the prevention of type II endoleaks. Among 16 patients, 13 patients underwent embolization using detachable interlock microcoils during an EVAR. Computed tomographic

angiographies and clinical examinations were performed during the follow-up period. Technical success, clinical outcome, and complications were reviewed. Results: Internal iliac artery embolizations using detachable interlock microcoils were technically successful in all 13 patients, with no occurrence of procedure-related complications. Follow-up imaging was accomplished in the 13 cases. In all cases, type II endoleak was not observed with computed tomographic angiography during the median follow-up of 3 months (range, 1-27 months) and the median clinical follow-up of 12 months (range, 1-27 months). Two of 13 (15%) patients had symptoms of buttock pain, and one patient died due to underlying stomach cancer. No significant clinical symptoms such as bowel ischemia were observed. Conclusion: Internal iliac artery embolization during an EVAR using detachable interlock microcoils to prevent type II endoleaks appears safe and effective, although this should be further proven in a Larger population.”
“Side-scan sonar is a valuable tool for mapping habitat features in many aquatic systems suggesting it may also be useful for locating sedentary biota.

These showed wide variation, ranging from 1: 5 26 for Chemflex to

These showed wide variation, ranging from 1: 5.26 for Chemflex to 1: 1.25 for Fuji IX.”
“The epidermal JNJ-26481585 growth factor receptor (EGFR) is targeted for lysosomal degradation by ubiquitin-mediated interactions with the ESCRTs (endosomal-sorting complexes required for transport) in multivesicular bodies (MVBs). We show that secretory carrier membrane protein, SCAMP3, localizes in part to early endosomes and negatively regulates EGFR degradation through processes that involve its ubiquitylation and interactions with ESCRTs. SCAMP3 is multimonoubiquitylated and is able to associate with Nedd4 HECT ubiquitin ligases and the ESCRT-I subunit

Tsg101 via its PY and PSAP motifs, respectively. SCAMP3 also associates with the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs. Depletion of SCAMP3 in HeLa cells by inhibitory RNA accelerated degradation of EGFR and EGF while inhibiting recycling. Conversely, overexpression enhanced EGFR recycling unless ubiquitylatable lysines, PY or PSAP motifs in SCAMP3 were mutated. Notably, dual depletions of SCAMP3 and ESCRT subunits suggest that SCAMP3 has a distinct function in parallel with the ESCRTs that regulates

receptor degradation. This function may affect trafficking of receptors from prelysosomal compartments as SCAMP3 depletion appeared to sustain the incidence of EGFR-containing MVBs detected by immunoelectron microscopy. Together, our results suggest that SCAMP3, its modification with ubiquitin, and its interactions with ESCRTs coordinately regulate endosomal pathways and affect the efficiency of receptor this website down-regulation.”
“To get

high yield of ethanol-soluble proteins (EP) and the antioxidant peptides from Sphyrna lewini muscle, orthogonal experiments (L-9(3)(4)) were applied to optimize the best extraction conditions and enzyme hydrolysis conditions. The yield of EP reached 5.903 +/- 0.053% under the optimum conditions of ethanol concentration 90%, solvent to material ratio 20:1, extraction temperature of 40 degrees C and extraction time of 80 min. The antioxidant SEPH (EP hydrolysate of S. lewini muscle) was prepared by using papain GSK2245840 mw under the optimum conditions of enzymolysis time 2h, total enzyme dose 1.2%, enzymolysis temperature 50 degrees C and pH 6, and its DPPH radical scavenging activity reached 21.76 +/- 0.42% at the concentration of 10 mg/ml. Two peptides (F42-3 and F42-5) were isolated from SEPH by using ultrafiltration, anion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and RP-HPLC. The structures of F42-3 and F42-5 were identified as Trp-Asp-Arg and Pro-Tyr-Phe-Asn-Lys with molecular weights of 475.50 Da and 667.77 Da, respectively. F42-3 and F42-5 exhibited good scavenging activity on hydroxyl radical (EC50 0.15 mg/ml and 0.24 mg/ml),ABTS radical (EC50 0.34 mg/ml and 0.12 mg/ml), and superoxide anion radical (EC50 0.09 mg/ml and 0.11 mg/ml), but moderate DPPH radical (EC(50)3.63 mg/ml and 4.11 mg/ml).

In group IV (SBS-melatonin), after 75% small bowel resection and

In group IV (SBS-melatonin), after 75% small bowel resection and anastomosis, 300 mu g/kg melatonin was given intraperitoneally once a day. After 15 days, small bowels were removed and divided into two segments as selleck chemical jejunum and ileum. Each segment was weight and measured. Histological examination was performed in all samples. Bowel and mucosal weights and DNA/protein ratio were calculated. Apoptotic cells were also identified. Results The bowel length measurements were statistically longer in group IV. Mucosal and bowel weights were the highest in group IV. The villus height,

crypt depth, and the number of mitotic figures were the highest in the jejunum of group IV. Melatonin also gave rise to a significant increase in DNA/protein ratios in group IV. Conclusion According to this study, melatonin significantly enhanced intestinal adaptation.”
“Gatherings like the Hajj involving many people who travel from different parts of the world represent a risk for the acquisition and dissemination of infectious diseases. In this study, acquisition CAL-101 nmr of multidrugresistant (MDR) Salmonella spp. in 2013 Hajj pilgrims from Marseille, France, was investigated. In total, 267 rectal swabs were collected

from 129 participants before their departure and after their return from the pilgrimage as well as during the pilgrimage from patients with diarrhoea. Samples were screened for the presence of Salmonella using quantitative real-time PCR and culture. Whole-genome sequencing was performed to characterise one of the isolates, and the mechanism leading to colistin resistance was investigated. Six post-Hajj samples and one sample collected during a diarrhoea episode in Hajj were positive for Salmonella by real-time PCR, with five Salmonella enterica belonging to several serotypes recovered by culture, whereas no pre-Hajj sample was positive. Two of the isolates belonged

to the epidemic Newport serotype, were resistant to cephalosporins, gentamicin and colistin, and harboured the bla(CTX-M-2) gene and a 12-nucleotide LY3039478 in vivo deletion in the pmr13 gene leading to colistin resistance. This study shows that pilgrims acquired Salmonella bacteria, including a novel MDR clone, during the Hajj pilgrimage. This calls for more improved public health surveillance during Hajj because Salmonella is one of the most common diarrhoea-causing bacteria worldwide. Therefore, returning pilgrims could disseminate MDR bacteria worldwide upon returning to their home countries. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.”
“OBJECTIVE: The major pathological change in basilar invagination (BI) is represented in the decrease of craniocervical junction (CVJ) volume resulting from abnormal bone protrusion around the foramen magnum.

From preoperatively to long-term postoperatively, head circumfere

From preoperatively to long-term postoperatively, head circumference Z scores rose for group 1 but fell for groups 2 and 3 (change in Z score, 0.5, -0.5, and -0.7, respectively; p = 0.06) and the three groups demonstrated equivalent drops in minimum frontal breadth Z scores. Across preoperative to short-term postoperative and preoperative to long-term postoperative assessment, group 1 displayed the least drop in maximum cranial length Z scores. Conclusions: Retrocoronal patterns of fronto-orbital remodeling provide long-term gains in head circumference percentile and the least growth impairment in cranial length. Irrespective of osteotomy design, expansion in frontal

breadth relapses significantly over time. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, III.”
“Background: this website To establish antibody analysis from dried blood spots (DBS) on filter paper for seroepidemiologic infection and cancer association studies, we analyzed data from a population-based study in Mongolia.\n\nMethods:

Using multiplex serology, we analyzed 985 paired DBS and serum samples from the same donors for antibodies to 12 different proteins from four groups of infectious agents: human papillomaviruses (HPV), Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and JC polyomavirus (JCV).\n\nResults: Quantitative antibody reactivities in serum and DES showed good correlation, with median correlation coefficients (Pearson R-2) of 0.88 (range, PI3K inhibitor 0.80-0.90) for high-titer (i.e., H. pylori, HCV,

JCV) and 0.79 (range, 0.72-0.85) for low-titer antibodies (i.e., HPV). For high-titer antibodies, serum and DBS data were comparable (median slope of linear trend line, 1.14; range, 1.09-1.21), whereas for low-titer VS-6063 antibodies, DBS reactivities were lower than in serum (median slope, 0.54; range, 0.50-0.80). By extrapolating seropositivity cutoff points previously defined for serum to DBS, we found high agreement (>89% for all antigens) of dichotomized DBS and serum results and median kappa values for high- and low-titer antibodies of 0.86 and 0.78 (range, 0.78-0.92 and 0.55-0.86), respectively. Epidemiologic associations with known risk factors for HPV antibodies were as strong for DBS as for serum.\n\nConclusions: DBS provide a reliable alternative to serum or plasma for detection of antibodies against various pathogens by multiplex serology.\n\nImpact: DBS do not require blood centrifugation and allow storage and shipment at ambient temperature, thus facilitating field work for seroepidemiologic studies especially in environments with limited technical infrastructure. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 21(2); 287-93. (C)2011 AACR.”
“We report the annotated draft genome sequences of four serotype 6C Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates of differing genetic backgrounds. Serotype 6C isolates are increasing in prevalence and becoming progressively more resistant to antibiotics.

(c) 2014 Elsevier B V All rights reserved “
“Background: Ma

(c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Many studies have been conducted to assess the indoor air quality (IAQ) of buildings throughout the world because

it is closely related to comfort, safety and work productivity of occupants. However, there is still lack of available literature about IAQ in tropical buildings that apply radiant cooling systems in conditioning the indoor air. Methods: This paper reports the results obtained from an IAQ audit that was conducted in a new radiantly cooled building in Malaysia, by focusing on the IAQ and thermal comfort parameters. Results: It was identified that the measured concentration levels for the five indoor air contaminants (CO, CO2, TVOC, formaldehyde and respirable particulates) were within the MAPK inhibitor threshold limit values (TLVs) specified in the IAQ guidelines. Besides, no significant difference was found between the contaminant levels in each floor of the studied building, and a majority of the respondents did not encounter any form of physical discomfort. There is a risk of condensation problem, judging from the measured RH level. Conclusion: An increase of airflow rate and more dehumidification work

in the studied building can be made to improve IAQ and prevention of condensation problem. Nevertheless, these schemes should be ALK inhibitor review implemented carefully to avoid occupants’ discomfort. Relocation of workstations was suggested, especially for the lower floors, which had higher occupancy levels.”
“One of the most important signal transduction pathways in bacteria, quorum sensing, is involved in many regulatory circuits in rhizobia, especially in the control of communication between rhizobia and their

plant hosts. In this study, buy eFT-508 we identified 3 autoinducer synthase genes – mrlI1, mrlI2, and mrlI3 – in Mesorhizobium loti NZP 2213. We found that MrlI1 and MrlI2 could synthesize distinct N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) autoinducers in rich medium cultures, and the expression of mrlI1 was shown to be growth-phase-dependent. MrlI3 did not produce any detectable AHL molecules under the culture conditions tested. To investigate whether these AHL synthases affect nodulation, we examined the nodulation of AHL-deficient mutants on their native plant host Lotus corniculatus and found that the efficiency of nodulation of bacteria with mutations of any of these 3 synthase genes was reduced, suggesting that quorum sensing systems in M. loti may play an important role in successful establishment of rhizobium-legume symbiosis.”
“Since the approval of rituximab in 1997, monoclonal antibodies have come to play an important role in the therapy of hematological malignancies. Rituximab, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, and alemtuzumab are US Food and Drug Administration-approved for treatment of B-cell lymphomas, acute myeloid leukemia, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, respectively.

Subsequent studies will use these findings as a reference not onl

Subsequent studies will use these findings as a reference not only for quantifying trunk stiffness and damping in individuals with various neuromuscular disorders, but also for assessing whether neuroprostheses

could increase upper body stiffness and, hence, stability. (C) 2013 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Risk factors have been proposed for running injuries including (a) reduced muscular strength, (b) excessive joint movements and (c) excessive joint moments in the frontal and transverse Crenigacestat ic50 planes. To date, many running injury prevention programs have focused on a “top down” approach to strengthen the hip musculature in the attempt to reduce movements and

moments at the hip, knee, and/or ankle joints. However, running mechanics did not change when hip muscle strength increased. It could be speculated that emphasis should be placed on increasing the strength of the ankle joint for a “ground up” approach. Strengthening of the large and small muscles crossing the ankle joint is assumed to change the force distribution for these muscles and to increase the use of smaller muscles. This would be associated with a reduction of joint and insertion forces, which could have a beneficial effect on injury prevention. However, training of the ankle joint as an injury prevention strategy has not been studied. Ankle strengthening techniques include isolated strengthening or movement-related strengthening such as functional balance training. There is little knowledge about the efficacy of such training programs on strength alteration, gait or injury reduction. Methods/Design: Novice runners will be randomly assigned to one of three groups: an isolated ankle strengthening group (strength,

n = 40), a functional balance training group (balance, n = 40) or an activity-matched control group (control, n = 40). Isokinetic strength will be measured using a Biodex System 3 dynamometer. Running kinematics and kinetics will be assessed using 3D motion analysis and a force platform. Postural control will be assessed by quantifying the magnitude and temporal structure of the center of pressure trace during single LY3039478 datasheet leg stance on a force platform. The change pre- and post-training in isokinetic strength, running mechanics, and postural control variables will be compared following the interventions. Injuries rates will be compared between groups over 6 months. Discussion: Avoiding injury will allow individuals to enjoy the benefits of participating in aerobic activities and reduce the healthcare costs associated with running injuries.”
“Metronomic chemotherapy has been advocated recently as a novel chemotherapeutic regimen.

Effects of using feeding bottles on children’s wheezing/asthma (a

Effects of using feeding bottles on children’s wheezing/asthma (adjusted OR: 1.05, 95% CI 1.00-1.09), allergic rhinitis (adjusted OR: 1.04, 95% CI 1.00-1.08), and eczema (adjusted OR: 1.07, 95% CI 1.01-1.2) were found. Moreover, significant dose-dependent relationships were further established after an adjustment for confounders was performed that included children’s ages, gender, gestational age, birth weight, length of breastfeeding, the age when first Entinostat given infant formula or complementary foods, family history, parental educational levels, and smoking status, as well as the problem of indoor water damage. This study was the first to reveal the potential risk of using plastic

consumer products such as feeding bottles on the reported health status of preschool children in Asian countries.”
“Biotransformation of 4-chromanone and its derivatives in the cultures of three biocatalysts: Didymosphaeria igniaria, Colyneum betulinum and Chaetomium sp. is presented. The biocatalysts were chosen due to their capability of enantiospecific reduction of low-molecular-weight ketones (acetophenone and its derivatives and alpha- and beta-tetralone). The substrates were reduced to the respective S-alcohols

with high enantiomeric excesses, according to the Prelog’s rule. In the culture of Chaetomium sp. after longer biotransformation time an inversion of configuration of the Torin 2 formed alcohols was also observed. The highest yield of transformation was observed for 6-methyl-4-chromanone. In all the tested cultures, the higher was the molecular weight of a chromanone, the lower conversion percent was observed. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“The female predominance in celiac disease is difficult to explain because population-based screening studies reveal similar rates for celiac disease-specific autoantibodies in males

and females. The aim of this study was to explore the role of age and gender in the presentation of celiac disease. The frequency of presentation according to age, gender and mode of presentation was determined by analysis of a prospectively maintained database of children and adults seen at a tertiary medical center. Of 1,682 patients (68 % female) aged 3 months to 86 years who were diagnosed with celiac disease, age at diagnosis in females peaked at 40-45 years, whereas the this website age at diagnosis for males had two peaks: 10-15 and 35-40 years. A significantly lower percentage of males in early adulthood were diagnosed compared with males in all other age groups (P smaller than 0.0001). The young and elderly had a more even gender distribution. Based on our analysis, males are diagnosed with celiac disease less frequently than females, especially in early adulthood. There should be more emphasis on the diagnosis of celiac disease among young adult males.”
“The colon differs regionally in local luminal environment, excretory function, and gene expression.

“Differential core symptoms and treatment responses are as

“Differential core symptoms and treatment responses are associated with the pure versus comorbid forms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, comorbidity has largely been unaccounted for in neuroimaging studies of ADHD. We used diffusional kurtosis imaging to investigate gray

matter (GM) and white matter (WM) microstructure of children and adolescents with ADHD (n = 22) compared to typically developing controls (TDC, n = 27) and examined whether differing developmental patterns are related to comorbidity. The ADHD group (ADHD-mixed) consisted of subgroups with and without comorbidity (ADHD-comorbid, n = 11; ADHD-pure, n = 11, respectively). Age-related changes and group differences in cerebral microstructure of the ADHD-mixed group and each ADHD subgroup were compared to TDC. Whole-brain PFTα mouse voxel-based analyses with mean kurtosis (MK) and mean diffusivity (MD) metrics were conducted to probe GM and WM. Tract-based spatial statistics analyses of WM were performed with MK, MD, fractional anisotropy, and directional (axial, radial) kurtosis and diffusivity metrics. ADHD-pure patients lacked significant age-related changes in GM and WM microstructure that were observed globally in TDC and had significantly greater WM microstructural complexity than TDC in bilateral frontal and parietal lobes, insula, corpus callosum, and right external and

internal capsules. Including ADHD patients with diverse comorbidities in analyses masked these findings. A distinct atypical age-related trajectory and aberrant regional differences in brain microstructure were detected in ADHD without JNJ-26481585 datasheet comorbidity. Our results suggest that different phenotypic manifestations of ADHD, defined by the presence or absence of comorbidity, differ in cerebral microstructural markers. Hum Brain Mapp 35:2148-2162, 2014. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Na(+)/H(+) exchanger-1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitous plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchanger typically associated with

maintenance of intracellular volume and pH. In addition to the NHE1 role in electroneutral Na(+)/H(+) transport, in renal tubular epithelial cells in vitro the polybasic, juxtamembrane NHE1 cytosolic tail domain acts as a scaffold, by binding with ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, which initiates formation find more of a signaling complex that culminates in Akt activation and opposition to initial apoptotic stress. With robust apoptotic stimuli renal tubular epithelial cell NHE1 is a caspase substrate, and proteolytic cleavage may permit progression to apoptotic cell death. In vivo, genetic or pharmacological NHE1 loss of function causes renal tubule epithelial cell apoptosis and renal dysfunction following streptozotocin-induced diabetes, ureteral obstruction, and adriamycin-induced podocyte toxicity. Taken together, substantial in vivo and in vitro data demonstrate that NHE1 regulates tubular epithelial cell survival.

Soils from four types of land use, including cultivated (Maize an

Soils from four types of land use, including cultivated (Maize and Paddy) and uncultivated (Woodland and Fallow) soils, in the same region were selected to characterize soil P composition using Torin 2 in vivo solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (P-31 NMR) spectroscopy. Four soil phosphatase activities, acid phosphomonoesterase (AcP),

alkaline phosphomonoesterase (Alp), phosphodiesterase (PD) and pyrophosphatase (PY), were also considered. The results showed that the proportions of dominated inorganic orthophosphate were higher in cultivated soils than in uncultivated soils, while the opposite trend was observed for organic orthophosphate monoesters and diesters. Generally, soil phosphatase activities were higher in

uncultivated soils than in cultivated soils. The multivariate analysis indicates that soil P composition as well as phosphatase Selleckchem RG-7388 activity was significantly influenced by land use. The correlation analysis showed that soil AcP and PY activities were positively correlated with soil monoester and pyrophosphate, respectively, and were negatively correlated with soil available P. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.”
“The number of false high alarms in the hospital setting remains a serious problem. False alarms have desensitized care providers and, at times, have led to dire consequences for patients. Efforts by both industry and clinicians are beginning to address this situation in collaborative approaches. Research is needed to establish an evidence base around issues such as which patients need to be monitored, and what the threshold settings and delay settings should be on devices. Initial and ongoing education needs to be considered for any new medical device, and be included in the hospital’s annual budget.”
“We have reinvestigated the magnetic properties of the classical metallic helimagnet MnP by magnetization and neutron scattering experiments. Our neutron scattering results indicate

that the previously reported magnetic structure in the low-temperature (LT) helimagnetic phase (T < 47 K) should be modified to an alternately tilted helimagnetic structure produced by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. In the intermediate temperature (IT) range between the LT helimagnetic phase and the high-temperature (HT) ferromagnetic phase along the c-axis, 47 < T < 252 K, we have found a weak ferromagnetic behavior along the b-axis. Surprisingly, the IT weak ferromagnetic phase has two different states, namely, the large magnetization (LM) and small magnetization (SM) states. The SM state emerges with cooling from the paramagnetic phase above 292K via the HT ferromagnetic phase and LM state emerges with warming from the LT helimagnetic phase.

The students were assessed on three major domains: knowledge acqu

The students were assessed on three major domains: knowledge acquisition, problem-solving and analytical thinking skills, and personal and interpersonal development. The tutors evaluated the students assigned to their group after the end of each block. Students also filled out a self-assessment form. Simple descriptive statistics were used to summarize the evaluations of the tutors. A total of 290 student evaluations from ten tutorial blocks

were available for analysis. Tutors reported that 64 percent of the students preferred to communicate verbally without prompting and 68 percent of students submitted written reports to the groups during tutorial sessions. Tutors reported that a majority of students brought new information to each tutorial session (86.5 percent), brought information that facilitated others’ learning (88.7 percent), integrated newly acquired knowledge with previous knowledge (92.7 percent), 17DMAG chemical structure applied knowledge from self-study to explain issues during case discussions (91.7 percent), asked appropriate questions to stimulate discussions (87.3 percent), generated hypotheses to explain problems under discussion (83.8 percent), evaluated the hypotheses in light of available evidence (85.5 percent), defined and took responsibility for learning goals and objectives (89.3 percent), responded well to criticism (91.7 percent), took a leadership

role (74.5 percent), and demonstrated sensitivity to psychosocial issues (88.6 percent). Student communication that tended to take over the group click here process in a non-contributory manner was reported in only 2 percent of the evaluations. Sapitinib supplier Overall, students

participating in PBL tutorial sessions appear to exhibit problem-solving and analytical thinking skills and personal and interpersonal attributes.”
“Background: Mycoplasma pneumoniae is one of the causative organisms of community-acquired pneumonia which is found commonly in younger patients. Extrapulmonary complications similar to autoimmune disease are caused by M. pneumoniae following the initial infection. The mechanism and pathology of onset is not clear, but it is considered that excessive host immunoreactions play a part in the onset of mycoplasmal pneumonia and its extrapulmonary complications. In this study, we investigated the participation of the immune response, excluding the participation of Th1 and Th2 which has previously been investigated. Results: In this study, the host immune response of an antigen induced inflammation model using SPF mice repeatedly sensitized with M. pneumoniae antigens was analyzed. The specificity of M. pneumoniae antigens in the Th17 response of murine lymphocytes in vitro was also examined. Frequent and concentrated sensitization induced exacerbation of lung inflammation immunologically and pathologically, and evoked intrapulmonary IL-17A and IL-10 production. M.