As Earth’s primordial environment was anoxic, the molecular oxyge

As Earth’s primordial environment was anoxic, the molecular oxygen generated by the earliest oxygenic photosynthesizes would have been rapidly consumed, removed from the atmosphere by its reaction with previously Kinesin inhibitor unoxidized substrates (e.g., volcanic gases, unoxided minerals, and huge amounts of ferrous iron dissolved in the world’s oceans) to be buried in rock-forming minerals. Only after all such substrates had been completely oxidized could the content of atmospheric oxygen have permanently increased, a time lag from the origin of O2-producing photosynthesis that lasted several and perhaps many hundreds of millions of years. Taken

as a whole, the evidence available indicates that O2-producing photosynthetic microorganisms originated earlier than 2,450 Ma ago; that such microbes were likely in place by 2,700 Ma ago; and that the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis may date from as early as, or even earlier than, 3,500 Ma ago. Paleobiological evidence of photosynthesis Three principal lines of evidence are available to address the question of the time of origin of oxygenic photosynthesis—stromatolites, cellular

microfossils, and the chemistry of ancient organic matter—each of which is discussed, in turn, below. Stromatolites this website As preserved in the geological record, stromatolites are finely layered rock structures, typically composed of carbonate minerals (e.g., calcite, CaCO3), that are formed by the microbially mediated accretion of laminae, layer upon layer, from the surface of an ancient seafloor or lake bottom. Their layered structure reflects the photosynthetic metabolism of the mat-building microorganisms. Thin (mm-thick) mats composed of such microbes formed as the microorganisms multiplied and spread across surfaces that were intermittently veneered by detrital or precipitated mineral grains that blocked sunlight. To maintain photosynthesis, mobile members of such communities, such as gliding oscillatoriacean cyanobacteria, moved upward through the accumulated mineral

matter to establish a new, overlying, microbial mat. The repeated accretion and subsequent lithification of such mats, ADAMTS5 commonly augmented by an influx of non-mobile microbes (such as colonial chroococcacean, entophysalidacean, and Tozasertib purchase pleurocapsacean cyanobacteria), can result in the formation of stromatolitic structures that range from small millimetric columns and pustular mounds to large, decimetric bioherms. During diagenesis, the series of changes that lead to the lithification and preservation of such structures, silica (quartz, SiO2), can replace the initially precipitated carbonate matrix. If replacement occurs early in the history of a deposit, before the mat-building microorganisms decay and disintegrate, cellularly intact microbes can be preserved.

Of the 18 non-cytoplasmic proteins identified, 7 are conserved am

Of the 18 non-cytoplasmic proteins identified, 7 are conserved amongst the proteobacteria and have roles in oxidation/reduction processes. Other conserved proteins are involved in protein synthesis and turnover (A1W0L1 and A1VYJ3), metabolism (A1VXA8, A1VXB4 and A1VZK9) and ATP synthesis (A1VX18). Of the remaining proteins predicted to be non-cytoplasmic, 3 are structural proteins involved in flagella biosynthesis,

and are unlikely to be involved in cytotoxin biosynthesis or activity. The remaining proteins are predicted to have roles in protein-protein interactions or are involved in binding and learn more transport of lipids (A8FKK7) TSA HDAC or cations (A1VXM7). A short list of six potential cytotoxin candidates is summarised in Table 3. PEB3 (A1VY12) was identified in the pool, and this protein has been previously characterised as a glycoprotein and adhesion protein involved in transport of phosphate-containing

molecules [11]. PEB2 (A1VZC6), a major antigenic peptide of C. jejuni on the other hand, is a protein of unknown function which contains a similar signal sequence to PEB3 suggesting similar localisation [12]. It is conserved in C. jejuni and C. coli and BLAST hits return with matches to the accessory colonisation factor protein (acfC) of Vibrio cholerae (34% identical residues/53% positive residues) and a “Conserved Domain Search” GNS-1480 cell line on NCBI matched to domains involved in extracellular solute binding and transport systems. Based on these inferences, it is unlikely to be the cytotoxin

of interest, although further study of this protein is warranted. Table 3 Short-list of potential cytotoxin candidates identified from LCMS screen of pool B Accession number Full identification name Biological function known or inferred localisation Size (kDa) A1VY12 (cj0289c)* Major antigenic peptide PEB3 Transport Non-cytoplasmic 27.5 A1VZC6 (cj0778) Major antigenic peptide PEB2 Transport Non-cytoplasmic 27.0 A8FLP3 (cj0834c) Putative uncharacterised protein Protein-protein interaction Non-cytoplasmic a(signalP) 46.7 A1W0M3 (cj1240c) Putative periplasmic protein Protein binding Non-cytoplasmic 23.0 A1VZY6 (cj0998c) Putative periplasmic protein Unknown Non-cytoplasmic 20.5 A1VXJ7 (cj0114) Putative periplasmic protein Protein binding Outer membrane 35.4 *Gene designation refers to the best match identified GBA3 in Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168. a Protein localisation prediction was determined using the program signalP. Prediction of protein localisation was determined using the program PSORTb. Proteins A1W0M3 and A1VZY6 are hypothetical proteins and potential candidates for the cytotoxin, although their predicted sizes (23.0 kDa and 20.5 kDa) are relatively smaller than the high molecular weight cytotoxin previously characterised [3]. One prospective cytotoxin candidate (A1VXJ7), a 315 amino acid residue protein is a TPR family protein which indicates that it is involved in protein:protein interactions (residues 226–265).

Virol J 2005, 2:72 PubMedCrossRef 38 Huszar T, Imler JL: Drosoph

Virol J 2005, 2:72.PubMedCrossRef 38. Huszar T, Imler JL: QNZ cell line Drosophila viruses and the study of antiviral host-defense. Adv Virus Res 2008, 72:227–265.PubMedCrossRef 39. Vasilakis NWS: Chapter 1 The History and Evolution of Human Dengue Emergence. Adv Virus Res 2008, 72:1–76.PubMedCrossRef 40. Gubler DJ: Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Clin Microbiol Rev 1998,11(3):480–496.PubMed 41. Sanchez-Vargas I, Travanty EA, Keene KM, Franz AW, Beaty Compound C cost BJ, Blair CD, Olson KE: RNA interference, arthropod-borne viruses, and mosquitoes. Virus Res 2004,102(1):65–74.PubMedCrossRef 42. Keene KM, Foy BD, Sanchez-Vargas I, Beaty BJ, Blair CD, Olson KE: RNA interference acts as a natural antiviral response

to O’nyong-nyong virus (Alphavirus; Togaviridae) infection of Anopheles gambiae . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004,101(49):17240–17245.PubMedCrossRef

43. Li H, Li WX, Ding SW: Induction and suppression of RNA silencing by an animal virus. Science 2002,296(5571):1319–1321.PubMedCrossRef 44. Campbell CL, Keene KM, Brackney DE, Olson KE, Blair CD, Wilusz J, Foy BD: Aedes aegypti uses RNA interference in defense against Sindbis virus infection. BMC Microbiol 2008, 8:47.PubMedCrossRef 45. Panobinostat price Wang XH, Aliyari R, Li WX, Li HW, Kim K, Carthew R, Atkinson P, Ding SW: RNA interference directs innate immunity against viruses in adult Drosophila . Science 2006,312(5772):452–454.PubMedCrossRef 46. Tomari Y, Du T, Zamore PD: Sorting of Drosophila small silencing RNAs. Cell 2007,130(2):299–308.PubMedCrossRef 47. van Rij RP, Saleh MC, Berry B, Foo C, Houk A, Antoniewski C, Andino R: The RNA silencing endonuclease Argonaute 2 Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase mediates specific antiviral immunity in Drosophila melanogaster . Genes Dev 2006,20(21):2985–2995.PubMedCrossRef 48. Galiana-Arnoux D, Dostert C, Schneemann A, Hoffmann JA, Imler JL: Essential function in vivo for Dicer-2 in host defense against RNA viruses in Drosophila . Nat Immunol 2006,7(6):590–597.PubMedCrossRef 49. Zambon RA, Vakharia VN, Wu LP: RNAi is an antiviral immune response against a

dsRNA virus in Drosophila melanogaster . Cell Microbiol 2006,8(5):880–889.PubMedCrossRef 50. Rehwinkel J, Natalin P, Stark A, Brennecke J, Cohen SM, Izaurralde E: Genome-wide analysis of mRNAs regulated by Drosha and Argonaute proteins in Drosophila melanogaster . Mol Cell Biol 2006,26(8):2965–2975.PubMedCrossRef 51. Miyoshi K, Tsukumo H, Nagami T, Siomi H, Siomi MC: Slicer function of Drosophila Argonautes and its involvement in RISC formation. Genes Dev 2005,19(23):2837–2848.PubMedCrossRef 52. Liu Q, Rand TA, Kalidas S, Du F, Kim HE, Smith DP, Wang X: R2D2, a bridge between the initiation and effector steps of the Drosophila RNAi pathway. Science 2003,301(5641):1921–1925.PubMedCrossRef 53. Kennerdell JR, Yamaguchi S, Carthew RW: RNAi is activated during Drosophila oocyte maturation in a manner dependent on aubergine and spindle-E. Genes Dev 2002,16(15):1884–1889.PubMedCrossRef 54.

The oxidation of the porous

The oxidation of the porous ABT-737 chemical structure silicon matrix to silica decreases the effective refractive index, which causes a hypsochromic shift in the position of the maximum reflectance peak in the spectrum,

and the dissolution of the porous layer can both decrease the thickness of the layer and increase the porosity, both processes leading to a reduction in the effective optical thickness. Therefore, the shifts in the Fabry-Perot interference fringe pattern observed in the visible reflectance spectra and the wavelength of the rugate peak maximum can be used to measure and compare the stability of different porous Si samples. The effective optical thickness of porous silicon samples can be obtained in real time using a fast Fourier transform of the reflectance spectra [1, 31]. One strategy to then compare the degradation of different porous Si surface samples

in aqueous media involves calculating the relative change in effective optical thickness defined as (2) where EOT0 is the value see more of EOT (Equation 2) measured when the porous Si surface is initially exposed to flowing buffer. The degradation of the pSi surface is then monitored by this relative decrease in optical thickness [32]. The degradation of the two porous Si sample types in the present study as measured by EOT changes is shown Figure 6. The data indicate that the stability of these samples decreases in the sequence: freshly etched porous Si > chitosan-coated pSi, since the initial rates of relative EOT change during the degradation are 0.217 and 0.37%/min, respectively. The degradation rate is higher for porous silicon coated by chitosan than for fresh pSi for the first 25 min, but there is a subsequent decrease in the degradation rate of the chitosan-coated sample so that at later times it degrades more slowly than fresh porous silicon, with relative EOT changes of 0.066 and 0.108%/min, respectively. The increased rate of degradation for the chitosan-coated porous silicon sample Carbohydrate is in apparent contrast to the previously reported studies of chitosan-coated

porous silicon, however, those studies used hydrosilylated porous silicon or oxidized porous silicon [5, 23, 24]. The increased degradation of pSi-ch compared even to freshly etched porous silicon may be due to the amines present in chitosan, since amines can increase the rate of porous silicon hydrolysis [33, 34]. It also suggests that the chitosan layer contains cracks or fissures such that the aqueous solution readily infiltrates to the underlying fpSi layer. Figure 6 EOT changes observed during the degradation of the two porous Si sample types. Plots showing the relative change in the effective optical thickness (EOT) of the pSi samples as a function of time exposed to 1:1 (v/v) 0.5 M carbonate/borate SRT2104 mouse buffer (pH 10), ethanol at 20 ± 1°C.


Integration Evofosfamide and excision of pBCBHV008 from the genome was performed as previously described [24] and colonies in which spoIIIE had been replaced by the spoIIIE-yfp (with the last 64 bp of spoIIIE

duplicated after the yfp gene), were selected by PCR. The BCBHV008 and 8325-4recUi strains expressing spoIIIE-yfp were named BCBHV017 and BCBRP002, respectively. Functionality of spoIIIE-yfp was confirmed by introduction of the fusion protein into a spoIIIE null mutant that resulted in complementation of the defective phenotype typical of this strain (data not shown). Growth analysis of S. aureus strains Growth of S. aureus in liquid culture was analyzed by diluting overnight cultures 1/500 into fresh media, incubating them at 37°C with aeration and following the optical density at 600 nm (OD600nm). Strains encoding an inducible

recU gene and the corresponding control strains were grown overnight in TSB containing chloramphenicol and IPTG. Cells were harvested, washed three times with TSB, and re-inoculated into fresh media selleck screening library supplemented or not with IPTG. Western blot analysis Expression levels of PBP2 were analyzed by western blotting, using a polyclonal anti-PBP2 antibody [31]. A polyclonal anti-FtsZ antibody was used as an internal control. Samples were taken from cultures of BCBHV008 and 8325-4recUi supplemented or not with IPTG, grown until an OD600nm 0.5. Cells were broken with glass beads in a Fast Prep FP120 (Thermo Electro Corporation) and unbroken cells

were removed by centrifugation. learn more The total protein content of the extracts was quantified by the Bradford method, using bovine serum albumin as a standard (BCA protein assay kit, Pierce). Equal amounts of protein from each sample were loaded onto an 8% SDS-PAGE gel and these separated at 120 V. Proteins were then transferred to a Hybond-P Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane (GE Healthcare) using a semidry transfer cell (Bio-Rad). The membranes were cut to separate the region containing PBP2 and FtsZ. Each half of the membrane was blocked with blocking buffer (PBS, 5% milk, 0.5% Tween 20) for 1 hour and incubated with either a polyclonal anti-PBP2 antibody (1/1000 dilution in blocking buffer) or with an anti-FtsZ antibody (1/5000 dilution in blocking buffer) for 16 hours at 4°C. Membranes were washed three times with PBS-T (PBS containing 0.5% Tween 20) and incubated with secondary antibodies (anti-rabbit for PBP2, ECL; anti-sheep for FtsZ, Pierce) diluted 1/100,000 in blocking buffer. The detection was performed using ECL Plus Western blotting detection system (Amersham) according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Fluorescence microscopy Strains were incubated overnight at 37°C in TSB supplemented with the appropriate antibiotics and IPTG. Cultures were washed three times with fresh TSB and diluted 1/500 in fresh TSB and supplemented with IPTG when required. During exponential phase (O.D600nm 0.

78 oxidoreductase lmo0640 Energy metabolism Fermentation        

78 oxidoreductase lmo0640 Energy metabolism Fermentation         Central intermediary metabolism Other         Energy metabolism Electron transport Lmo0643 −2.61 transaldolase lmo0643 Energy metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Lmo0689 −1.71 chemotaxis protein CheV lmo0689 Cellular processes Chemotaxis and motility Lmo0690 −2.44 flagellin flaA Cellular processes Chemotaxis and motility Lmo0692 −1.66 chemotaxis protein CheA cheA Cellular processes Chemotaxis and motility Lmo0813 −2.04 fructokinase lmo0813 Energy metabolism Sugars Lmo0930 −1.88 hypothetical protein lmo0930 Unclassified Role

category not yet assigned Lmo1242 −1.59 hypothetical protein lmo1242 Hypothetical proteins Conserved Lmo1254 −2.10 alpha-phosphotrehalase lmo1254 Energy metabolism Biosynthesis and degradation of polysaccharides Lmo1348 −2.42 glycine cleavage system T protein gcvT Energy metabolism Amino acids and amines Lmo1349 Microbiology inhibitor −2.68 glycine cleavage system P-protein gcvPA Energy metabolism Amino acids and amines         Central intermediary metabolism Other Lmo1350e

−2.11 glycine dehydrogenase subunit 2 gcvPB Central intermediary S63845 metabolism Other         Energy metabolism Amino acids and amines Lmo1388e −2.02 ABC transport system tcsA Unclassified Role category not yet assigned Lmo1389 −2.32 simple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein lmo1389 Transport and binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids Lmo1538e −1.89 glycerol kinase glpK Energy metabolism Other Dorsomorphin research buy lmo1699 −1.92 Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein lmo1699 Cellular processes Chemotaxis and motility Lmo1730 −2.55 lactose/L-arabinose transport system substrate-binding protein lmo1730 Transport and binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic alcohols, and acids Lmo1791 −1.75 hypothetical protein lmo1791     Lmo1812 −1.70 L-serine dehydratase iron-sulfur-dependent alpha subunit lmo1812 Energy metabolism Amino acids and amines         Energy metabolism Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis Lmo1856 −1.65 purine nucleoside phosphorylase deoD Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Lmo1860 −1.64 peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide

reductase msrA Protein fate Protein modification and repair Lmo1877 −2.14 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase fhs Amino Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase acid biosynthesis Aspartate family         Protein synthesis tRNA aminoacylation         Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine family         Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis         Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Pantothenate and coenzyme A Lmo1954e −1.97 phosphopentomutase deoB Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Lmo1993 −1.81 pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase pdp Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Lmo2094 −28.99 hypothetical protein lmo2094 Energy metabolism Sugars Lmo2097 −12.

016, two-tailed Fisher’s exact test) Among the invasive macrolid

016, two-tailed Fisher’s exact test). Among the invasive macrolide-resistant isolates, 10 (53%) presented the M phenotype and were therefore susceptible to clindamycin, whereas the remaining nine

(47%) were also constitutively resistant to clindamycin (cMLSB phenotype). The proportion of the two phenotypes was similar among the pharyngitis isolates, with 37 isolates (55%) presenting the M phenotype and 30 (45%) presenting the MLSB phenotype (one with Doramapimod chemical structure inducible resistance and the others with constitutive resistance to clindamycin). All the isolates presenting the M phenotype of macrolide resistance carried only the mef(A) variant of the mef determinant. The cMLSB isolates carried only the erm(B) gene, except for one pharyngitis isolate which also harbored mef(A), and the only iMLSB isolate in the collection that presented the erm(A) gene. Table 1 PFGE clusters

presenting antimicrobial resistant isolates collected from selleck kinase inhibitor invasive infections and pharyngitis in Portugal PFGE cluster a Antimicrobial resistance b No. of resistant isolates Invasive Pharyngitis C38 Tet   1 D36 MLSB   1 M   1 G27 M 6 19 M,Tet 1   H26 MLSB,Bac 6 17 Tet   1 I24 MLSB,Tet   1 J16 Tet 12 1 K14 M   1 L13 MLSB,Tet 1 6 Tet 2   M11 MLSB,Tet 1   N10 Tet 1 1 MLSB,Tet   1 O9 M 4 5 R6 M   3 S6 M   1 a Clusters are designated by capital letters and a subscript LBH589 supplier number indicating the number of isolates in each cluster; b The antibiotics tested were penicillin quinupristin/dalfopristin, chloramphenicol, vancomycin, linezolid, levofloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, and bacitracin. M, presenting the M phenotype of macrolide resistance; MLSB, presenting the MLSB phenotype of macrolide resistance; Tet, this website non-susceptibility to tetracycline; M,Tet, presenting the M phenotype of macrolide resistance and resistance to tetracycline; MLSB,Tet, presenting the MLSB phenotype of macrolide resistance and resistance to tetracycline;

MLSB,Bac, presenting the MLSB phenotype of macrolide resistance and resistance to bacitracin. In contrast to erythromycin, tetracycline resistance was much lower among the pharyngitis isolates when compared with the invasive group (6% vs 17%, P < 0.001). One invasive isolate presented intermediate resistance to tetracycline (MIC = 3μg/ml). All the resistant strains carried the tet(M) gene, except one pharyngitis isolate for which no PCR product was obtained for any of the screened tetracycline-resistance genes. The tet(L) gene was detected in only one pharyngitis isolate, which also harbored tet(M), while the genes tet(K) and tet(O) were not amplified in any of the studied isolates. Overall there was a positive association between the genes tet(M) and erm(B) (P < 0.

High prevalence

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control trial using insecticide-treated bed nets and targeted chemoprophylaxis in a rural area of The Gambia, west Africa. 2. Mortality and morbidity from malaria in the study area. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1993;87:13–7.PubMedCrossRef 18. Clarke selleck chemicals SE, Jukes MC, Njagi JK, et al. Effect of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria on health and education in schoolchildren: a cluster-randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2008;372:127–38.PubMedCrossRef 19. Tiono AB, Ouedraogo A, Ogutu B, et al. A controlled, parallel, cluster-randomized trial of community-wide screening and treatment of asymptomatic carriers of Plasmodium falciparum in Burkina Faso. Malar J. 2013;12:79.PubMedCrossRef

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“Introduction Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare sterile inflammatory neutrophilic dermatosis characterized by recurrent painful ulcerations. Although the etiology is unclear, it is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis or malignancies [1]. Recently, this condition was included in the group of cutaneous autoinflammatory disorders, characterized by defects in the innate immune response [2].

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For RT-PCR reactions monitoring

cDNA formation in in vivo

For RT-PCR reactions monitoring

cDNA formation in in vivo experiments after P.berghei infection the following P. berghei-specific PCR primers were used: eIF-5A forward 5’-ATGTCAGACCACGAAACGT-3’/ eIF5A reverse 5’- TATGATGACATTTCTTTAAGC-3’ and dhs forward 5’-ATGGATGGGGTATTCAAAGA-3’/ dhs reverse 5’-CTAATCACTTTTTTCTCCTTTT-3’. To analyze the quality of the cellular total RNA i α-tubulin forward 5’-ATGAGAGAAGTAATAAGTAT-3’ and α-tubulin reverse 5’-TGTTGATAAAACTGAATTAT-3’ primers Ruxolitinib in vivo were applied, resulting in a specific α-tubulin fragment of 548 bp. Plasmodium transfection using shRNA expressing vectors Parasite transfection using sh expression vectors without Pyrimethamine selection was performed as described in [24]. Preparation see more of protein extracts from transfected P. berghei parasites To detect eIF-5A and DHS expression in transfected and wildtype P. berghei parasites, intraerythrocytic stages were purified by CF11 Cellulose (Whatman)

(Millipore, Schwalbach, Germany) to remove platelets and leukocytes. Parasites were lysed in 0.2% saponin and resuspended in PBS (LifeTechnologies/Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, (Germany). After determination of the protein concentration by Bradford assay [34], extracts were adjusted to the same protein concentration (20 μg) with PBS. Alternatively, for the detection of iNos protein, serum was applied from whole blood without Liothyronine Sodium anticoagulant according to a protocol from

Proimmune [35]. Western blot analysis Western blots were performed using the i-Blot dry blotting device system from Invitrogen (Karlsruhe, Germany) for 5 min at 5.5 amp and 25 V. Protein extracts from blood stages of transfected parasites were resuspended in 1-fold Nupage buffer (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) boiled and loaded onto a 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Immunodetection was performed according to the protocol from the immunodetection kit from Amersham (Munich, Germany). Polyclonal anti-eIF5A antibodies (Eurogentec, Cologne, Germany) raised against the eIF-5A from P. vivax and anti-DHS antibodies against P. KU57788 falciparum DHS were applied in dilutions of 1:1000 and 1:5000, respectively. Previous results had shown that the human DHS protein cross-reacts with the P. berghei DHS protein due to highly conserved regions and an overall amino acid identity of 56% (see within the results section) [11]. Dilutions of 1:1000 and 1:5000 of the antibody raised against the eIF-5A from P. vivax were used, since both proteins i.e. eIF-5A from P. vivax and P. berghei, share 97% amino acid identity [11].