Participants were 20 47 +/- 2 19 years old, 86 45 +/- 17 11 kg, w

Participants were 20.47 +/- 2.19 years old, 86.45 +/- 17.11 kg, with a body mass index of 31.36 +/- 5.3 kg/m(2).

Participants were primarily female (86.5%), and the sample was racially diverse (57.7% Caucasian, 30.8% African American, 5.8% Hispanic, and 5.7% other races).\n\nResults: The primary outcome was weight loss after 8 weeks (post-treatment); 96.0% of the participants completed this assessment. At 8 weeks, the Facebook Plus group had significantly greater weight loss (-2.4 +/- 2.5 kg) than the Facebook IWR-1-endo cell line (-0.63 +/- 2.4 kg) and Waiting List (-0.24 +/- 2.6 kg) (both Ps < 0.05). Weight change at 8 weeks was not significantly different between the Facebook and Waiting List groups.\n\nConclusions: Results show preliminary efficacy and acceptability of the two active intervention arms (97.0% found the program helpful, 81.3% found the videos/handouts helpful, and 100% would recommend the program to others). Results indicate the potential for an innovative weight loss intervention that uses technology platforms (Facebook and text messaging) that are frequently used and already integrated into the cultural life of college students.”
“This study was carried out to determine the effects

of shield and sword comb orientation hive types on wintering ability, survival rates (in winter) and population Staurosporine purchase growth of honeybee colonies (A. mellifera anatoliaca) in spring season. In ancient Anatolia beekeeping; honeybee colonies were identified sword and shield (the colonies which build up the combs vertical and horizontal according to positions of the hive entrance) before the uses of top-opened hive with movable frames. Total twenty honeybee colonies, which have

similar condition according to queen age, genotype, number of frames covered with adult worker bees, brood areas and food stocks, were used in this study. Average wintering ability of this website colonies in the shield and sword groups were found to be 98.57% and 69.76%; average survival rates were found to be 100% and 100% in shield and sword group colonies respectively. The average number of frames covered with adult worker bees at mid June in shield and sword group colonies were found to be 15.6 +/- 1.58, 12.00 +/- 1.25 number/colony and the average brood areas were found as 7863.5 +/- 402.9, 5997.0 +/- 373.3 cm(2)/colony respectively. Differences between the group means on wintering ability, sealed brood areas and colony strength were found significant (P < 0.01), but differences on survival rates were not found significant (P > 0.05). The colonies living in shield (horizontal) hives have showed better wintering ability and more colony population than colonies living in sword (vertical) hives.”
“Objective In breast cancer patients, posttreatment pain often appears after several months and strongly impairs health-related quality of life. Conventional methods of pain reduction are often ineffective.

“Introduction The Department of Surgery at the University

“Introduction The Department of Surgery at the University of Arizona has created an intensive laparoscopic training course for surgical residents featuring a combined simulation laboratory and live swine model. We herein report the essential components to design

and implement a rigorous training course for developing laparoscopic skills in surgical residents.\n\nMaterials and methods At our institution, we developed a week-long pilot intensive laparoscopic training course. Six surgical residents (ranging from interns to chief residents) participate in the structured, multimodality course, without any clinical responsibilities. It consists of didactic instruction, laboratory training, practice in the simulation laboratory, and performance (under the direction of attending laparoscopic PRIMA-1MET purchase surgeons) of surgical procedures on pigs. The pigs are anesthetized and attended by veterinarians and technicians, and then euthanized at the end of each day. Three teams of two different training-level residents are paired. Daily briefing, debriefing, and analysis are performed at the close of each session. A written paper survey is completed at the end of the course.\n\nResults This report describes the results of first 36 surgical

residents trained in six courses. Preliminary data reveal that all 36 now feel more comfortable handling laparoscopic instruments and positioning trocars; they now perform buy ERK inhibitor laparoscopic surgery with greater confidence and favor having the course as part of their educational curriculum.\n\nConclusion selleck inhibitor A multimodality intensive laparoscopic training course should become a standard requirement for surgical residents, enabling them to acquire basic and advanced laparoscopic skills on a routine basis.”
“In some cases of degloving injury, as a result of multiple venous anastomoses formed on the peripheral and proximal sides, the detached flap skin did survive, though with patchy necrosis. On the basis of this experience, the skin and soft-tissue defects after removing skin cancer were closed

with an anterolateral thigh true perforator flap, measuring 4 x 5 cm in size, which is nourished by venous blood. The subcutaneous vein on the peripheral side of the defect was anastomosed to the perforator artery, and the veins on the proximal side of the defects were anastomosed to the concomitant veins of the perforator. After surgery, to ensure a sufficient blood flow to the flap, the affected limb was positioned lower than the heart for 1 week. To prevent microthrombus in the perforator branch and the flap, preventive anticoagulant therapy was performed. The transplanted flap had marked cyanosis for a few days, but turned pinkish on the sixth day after surgery. The flap survived completely.

This virulence profile is due to a 426 bp deletion in the 39 end

This virulence profile is due to a 426 bp deletion in the 39 end of the gacS gene encoding an essential regulatory protein. The absence of GacS disturbs the Gac/Rsm pathway leading to depletion of the small regulatory RNAs RsmY/RsmZ and, in consequence, to expression of T3SS, while switching off the expression of H1-T6SS and Pel polysaccharides. The

CHA isolate also exhibits full ability to swim and twitch, due to active flagellum and Type IVa pili. Thus, unlike the classical scheme of balance between virulence factors, clinical strains may adapt to a local niche by expressing both alginate exopolysaccharide, a hallmark of membrane stress that protects from antibiotic action, Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor host defences and phagocytosis, and efficient T3S machinery that is considered as an aggressive virulence factor.”
“Human brucellosis is a protean disease with a diversity of clinical signs and symptoms resulting from infection with Brucella species. Recent reports suggest a cross-regulation between adrenal steroids (cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA]) and the immune system. Monocytes and macrophages are the main replication selleck kinase inhibitor niche for Brucella. Therefore, we investigated the role of adrenal hormones on the modulation of the immune response

mediated by macrophages in B. abortus infection. Cortisol treatment during B. abortus infection significantly inhibits cytokine, chemokine, and MMP-9 secretion. In contrast, DHEA treatment had no effect. However, DHEA treatment increases the expression of costimulatory molecules (CD40, CD86), the adhesion molecule CD54, and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) and MHC-II expression on the surface of B. abortus-infected monocytes. It is known that B. abortus infection inhibits MHC-I and MHC-II expression induced by gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) treatment. DHEA reverses B. abortus downmodulation of the

MHC-I and -II expression induced by IFN-gamma. Taken together, our data indicate that DHEA immune intervention may positively affect monocyte activity during B. abortus infection.”
“Background: Manual microscopy is the current reference method for white blood cell (WBC) differential counts. However, manual counts are time and labor intensive, difficult in patients with low WBC counts, and can misclassify cells having difficult morphology. We investigated an 8-color, single-tube, lyse no-wash flow cytometric method to perform an extended 8-part differential as a potential replacement reference method for WBC differential enumeration.\n\nMethods: Whole blood was stained using a panel of antibodies including CD45APC-Cy7, CD16+CD19FITC, CD33+CD64PE-Cy5, CD123PE, HLA-DRPE-Cy7, CD34+CD117APC, and CD38A594 with the membrane permeant DNA binding dye Hoechst 34580 to generate an 8-part differential (lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, immature granulocytes, blasts, and nucleated RBCs) using TruCount beads to generate absolute counts for all populations.

These studies describe a novel approach for the identification of

These studies describe a novel approach for the identification of new classes of pharmacological interventions for protein misfolding that underlies devastating neurodegenerative disease.”
“Cyclin-dependent kinase-5 (Cdk5) is over-expressed in both neurons and microvessels in hypoxic regions of stroke tissue and has a significant pathological role following hyper-phosphorylation leading to calpain-induced cell death. Here, we have identified a critical role of Cdk5 in cytoskeleton/focal dynamics, wherein

its activator, p35, redistributes along actin microfilaments of spreading cells co-localising with p((Tyr15))Cdk5, talin/integrin beta-1 at the lamellipodia in polarising cells. Cdk5 inhibition (roscovitine) resulted in actin-cytoskeleton disorganisation, prevention of protein co-localization and inhibition of movement. Cells expressing Cdk5 (D144N) kinase learn more mutant, were unable to spread, FK228 mouse migrate and form tube-like structures or sprouts, while Cdk5 wild-type over-expression showed enhanced motility and angiogenesis in vitro, which was maintained during hypoxia. Gene microarray studies demonstrated

myocyte enhancer factor (MEF2C) as a substrate for Cdk5-mediated angiogenesis in vitro. MEF2C showed nuclear co-immunoprecipitation with Cdk5 and almost complete inhibition of differentiation and sprout formation following siRNA knock-down. In hypoxia, insertion of Cdk5/p25-inhibitory peptide (CIP) vector preserved and enhanced in vitro angiogenesis. These results demonstrate the existence of critical and complementary signalling pathways through Cdk5 and p35, and through which coordination is a required factor for successful angiogenesis in sustained hypoxic condition.”
“Background: Most HIV-infected subjects exhibit a progressive rise in CD4 T-cell counts after initiation of highly active antiretroviral

therapy (HAART). However, a subset of individuals exhibit very poor CD4 T-cell recovery despite effective control of HIV-RNA viraemia. We evaluated CD4 T-cell proliferation among suboptimal responders and its correlation with CD4 T-cell activation.\n\nMethods: The magnitude of CD4 increase (difference between absolute Fosbretabulin solubility dmso CD4 counts at baseline and absolute CD4 counts at 4 years of ART) was grouped into 4 quartiles for the 211 patients with sustained HIV-RNA viral suppression. Cases of ‘Suboptimal immune responders’ included patients within the lowest quartile [Median CD4 increase 165 (Range -43-298) cells/mu l; n=52] and a comparison group of ‘Optimal immune responders’ was defined as patients within the highest quartile of CD4 increase [Median CD4 increase 528 (Range 417-878) cells/mu l; n=52]. Frozen PBMC were thawed and analysed from a convenient sample of 39 suboptimal responders and 48 optimal responders after 4 years of suppressive antiretroviral therapy.

Results: In these initial studies, we demonstrated the feasib

\n\nResults: In these initial studies, we demonstrated the feasibility of using targeted-PROPELLER approaches to limit the imaging FOV thereby reducing the number of blades or permitting increased spatial resolution without commensurate increases in scan time. Both phantom and in vivo motion studies demonstrated the potential for more robust regional self-navigated motion correction Epigenetics inhibitor compared with conventional full FOV PROPELLER methods.\n\nConclusion: We demonstrated that the reduced FOV targeted-PROPELLER technique offers the potential for reducing imaging time, increasing spatial resolution, and targeting specific areas for robust regional motion correction.”

fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging metabolic-related disorder characterized by fatty infiltration of the liver in the absence of alcohol consumption. NAFLD ranges from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which might progress to end-stage liver disease. This progression is related to the insulin resistance, which is strongly linked to the metabolic

syndrome consisting of central obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Earlier, the increased concentration of intracellular fatty acids within hepatocytes leads to steatosis. Subsequently, multifactorial complex interactions between nutritional factors, lifestyle, find more and genetic determinants promote necrosis, inflammation, fibrosis, and hepatocellular damage. Up to now, many studies have revealed the mechanism associated with insulin resistance, whereas the mechanisms related to the molecular components have been incompletely characterized. This review aims to assess the potential molecular mediators initiating and supporting the progression of NASH to establish precocious diagnosis and to plan more specific treatment for this disease.”
“Background: The aim of the present

study was to estimate the prevalence of mood disorders and examine a range of predictors for psychological well-being among Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).\n\nMethods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken to ascertain the factors related to psychological distress in PCOS patients in Kashan, Iran. Psychological distress was measured PKC inhibitor using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). In addition we assessed quality of life using the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Socio-demographic details and clinical information of PCOS including obesity (body mass index), excessive body hair (hirsutism score), acne, menstrual cycle disturbances, infertility and endocrine profile also were recorded for each patient.\n\nResults: In all 300 women with PCOS were entered into the study. Of these 32% (n = 96) showed elevated HADS anxiety while depression was high in 5% (n = 15).

Discussion: A comprehensive history taking facilitated the diagno

Discussion: A comprehensive history taking facilitated the diagnosis of erythema multiforme secondary to PLX4032 order dimenhydrinate without the need to perform invasive testing, and the removal of erroneous allergy labeling to acetaminophen. Dimenhydrinate and pamabron both contain theophylline-related structures in their chemical composition. Similar reactions to pamabrom strongly suggested cross-sensitivity to theophylline-related structures. Conclusions: To our knowledge,

this is the first report of erythema multiforme due to dimenhydrinate with pamabron cross-sensitivity. We recommend that comprehensive medication-history taking be carried out for all drug-allergy patients to ensure greater informed decision making when choosing medications to use for that patient in the future.”
“The beta-L-arabinofuranosidase (HypBA1) from Bifidobacterium longum JCM 1217 hydrolyzes the beta-1,2-linked arabinofuranose

disaccharide to release L-arabinoses. HypBA1 was classified into glycoside hydrolase family 127 (GH127) by the CAZy website ( The enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli and the purified recombinant protein was crystallized. Crystals belonging to the primitive hexagonal space group C188-9 solubility dmso P3(x)21, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 75.9, c = 254.0 angstrom, were obtained by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method and diffracted to 2.78 angstrom resolution. A BLASTP search ( of the Protein Data Bank did not reveal any similar crystal structures. Structural determination by using SeMet MAD and MIR methods is in progress.”
“Background: Although atrial arrhythmias (AAs) are common in heart failure, the incidence of AAs subsequent to the placement of left PXD101 ventricular assist devices (LVADs) has not been elucidated. Methods: Patients receiving a HeartMate II LVAD in the bridge to transplant (n = 490) and destination therapy (n = 634)

trials were included (n = 1125). AAs requiring treatment were recorded, regardless of symptoms. Using Cox models with and without a 60-day blanking period, risk factors for early and late AAs were determined. Results: In total, there were 271 AAs in 231 patients (21%), most of which occurred within the first 60 days. Patients with and without AAs had similar survival (p = 0.16). Serum creatinine (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.49 per unit increase, 1.18 to 1.88; p smaller than 0.001) and ejection fraction (HR = 0.98 per 1% increase, 0.95 to 0.999; p = 0.04) were associated with AAs in a multivariable model. Although quality of life (QoL) and functional status improved in all patients, those with AAs had worse unadjusted QoL (p smaller than 0.001) and a decreased rate of improvement in six-minute walk distance over six to 24 months postimplant (p = 0.016). Conclusions: Approximately one-fifth of LVAD patients have AAs, most commonly within the first 60 days of support.

coli (n = 1) harbouring both IMP-1 metallo-beta-lactamase and ext

coli (n = 1) harbouring both IMP-1 metallo-beta-lactamase and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL); carbapenem-non-susceptible Serratia marcescens (n = 1); and carbapenem-susceptible E. coli (n = 20) and K. pneumoniae

isolates (n = 12) with CTX-M-15 ESBL. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of imipenem, cefepime and ceftazidime were determined in combination with 4 mg/L avibactam by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) method on Mueller-Hinton agar. Imipenem/avibactam and ceftazidime/avibactam displayed limited potency against A. baumannii isolates, whereas cefepime/avibactam and ceftazidime/avibactam were active against P. aeruginosa. Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates with OXA-48 beta-lactamase were resistant to imipenem [MIC for 90% of the organisms (MIC(90)) >= 4 mg/L]. MIC(90) values for the combination 17DMAG of avibactam 4 mg/L with imipenem, cefepime and ceftazidime were in the susceptible

range for all strains (MIC(90) <= 0.5 mg/L). All E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates with CTX-M-15 beta-lactamase were inhibited at <= 1 mg/L for combinations with avibactam and 100% were susceptible by CLSI breakpoint criteria to imipenem, cefepime and ceftazidime. In conclusion, combinations of imipenem, cefepime and ceftazidime with avibactam may present a promising therapeutic strategy to treat infections due to K. pneumoniae with OXA-48 enzyme as well as K. pneumoniae and E. coli with CTX-M-15 enzyme. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. and the GSK461364 concentration International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.”
“The proangiogenic members of the vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF) family and related receptors play a central role in the modulation of pathological angiogenesis. In order to identify plant compounds able to interfere in the VEGFs/VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) recognition by VEGF family members, the extracts of the aerial parts of Campsiandra guayanensis and Feretia apodanthera were screened by a competitive ELISA-based assay. By using this bioassay-oriented approach five proanthocyanindins, including the new natural compounds (2S)-4′,5,7-trihydroxyflavan-(4 beta -> 8)-afzelechin Cediranib research buy (1) and (2S)-4′,5,7-trihydroxyflavan-(4 beta -> 8)-epiafzelechin (2) and the known geranin B (3), proanthocyanidin A2 (4), and proanthocyanidin A1 (5), were isolated. The study of the antiangiogenic activities of compounds 1-5 using ELISA and SPR assays showed compound 1 as being the most active. The antiangiogenic activity of 1 was also confirmed in vivo by the chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay. Our results indicated 1 as a new antiangiogenic compound inhibiting the interaction between VEGF-A or PIGF and their receptor VEGRF-1.

Conclusions: Although most patients (88 2%) were identified a

\n\nConclusions: Although most patients (88.2%) were identified at LTF, ascertainment was incomplete. This was attributable to patients’ refusal to participate, loss to follow-up, or death. Delays in the registration of death data and recent privacy legislation provided further barriers. Mortality was lower for patients originally randomized to receive IFN-beta 1b rather than placebo. We recommend that all

short-term trials on chronic diseases include provisions for LTF. (Clin Ther. 2009;31:1724-1736) (C) 2009 Excerpta Medica Inc.”
“Background: The automatic tendency to attend to, positively evaluate and approach alcohol related stimuli has been found to play a causal role in problematic alcohol use and can be retrained by computerised Selleckchem Wnt inhibitor Cognitive Bias Modification ML323 in vivo (CBM). In spite of CBMs potential as an internet intervention, little is known about the efficacy of web-based CBM. The study described in this protocol will test the effectiveness of web-based CBM in a double blind randomised controlled trial with a 2 (attention bias retraining: real versus placebo) x 2 (alcohol/no-go training: real versus placebo) x 2 (approach bias retraining: real versus placebo) factorial design.\n\nMethods/design: The effectiveness of 12 sessions of CBM will be examined among problem drinkers aged 18-65 who are randomly assigned to

one of the eight CBM conditions, after completing two modules of a validated cognitive behavioural intervention, DrinkingLess. The primary outcome measure is the change in alcohol use. It is expected that, for each of the CBM interventions, participants in the real CBM conditions will show a greater decrease in alcohol use than participants in the placebo conditions. Secondary outcome measures include the

percentage of participants drinking within the limits for sensible drinking. Possible mediating (change in automatic biases) and moderating (working memory, inhibition) factors will be examined, as will the comparative cost-effectiveness of the various CBM strategies.\n\nDiscussion: This study will be the first to test the relative efficacy of various web-based CBM strategies in problem drinkers. If proven effective, CBM could be implemented as a low-cost, low-threshold adjuvant to CBT-based online interventions for problem drinkers.”
“Breast lymphomas Selleckchem MK-2206 can be primary or secondary. Among the primary lymphomas, the most common histologic types are the large B-cell diffuse lymphomas and the extranodal B mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue lymphomas. We studied 5 cases of primary breast lymphoma in female patients. The criteria for the diagnosis were based on the proposal of Wiseman and Liao: (1) in the biopsy or surgical specimen, the lymphoma involves the breast parenchyma, and (2) nonsystemic disease at diagnosis. Clinical data, histologic findings, immunohistochemical reactions, treatment, and clinical follow-up were reviewed.

Derivation of control policies is hindered by the high-dimensiona

Derivation of control policies is hindered by the high-dimensional state spaces associated with gene regulatory networks. Hence, network reduction is a fundamental issue for intervention.\n\nResults: The network model that has been click here most used for the study of intervention in gene regulatory networks is the probabilistic Boolean network (PBN),

which is a collection of constituent Boolean networks (BNs) with perturbation. In this article, we propose an algorithm that reduces a BN with perturbation, designs a control policy on the reduced network and then induces that policy to the original network. The coefficient of determination (CoD) is used to choose a gene for deletion, and a reduction mapping is used to rewire the remaining genes. This CoD-reduction procedure is used to construct a reduced network, then either the previously proposed mean first-passage time (MFPT) or SSD stationary control policy is designed on the reduced network,

and these policies are induced to the original network. The efficacy of the overall algorithm is demonstrated on networks of 10 genes or less, where it is possible to compare the steady state shifts of the induced and original policies (because the latter can be derived), and by applying it to a 17-gene gastrointestinal network where it is shown that see more there is substantial beneficial steady state shift.”
“Recent health indicators for Tunisia are encouraging: there is one doctor for every 1000 inhabitants, in contrast to 1471 in 1996; life expectancy at birth is 73.8 years compared with 71.6 years in 1996; and the infant mortality rate is down from 29.7 per thousand in 1996 to 19.5 per thousand. The health infrastructure in Tunisia is partly private and partly public, supported by a well-organized network of university hospitals and clinics and a central pharmaceutical

service that imports and distributes drugs. In 1990, there was only one nuclear medicine centre in Tunisia at the Salah Azaiez Institute. 111 2013, there are 12 centres, between public and private, with around forty doctors and 50 technicians using 15 gamma cameras, seven single-head, four dual-head and three SPECT/CT. JQ-EZ-05 molecular weight Positron emission tomography (PET) will be acquired in short delay. Training for doctors and technicians in quality control for this new equipment and quality assurance in multimodal molecular imaging will soon become a priority. The protection of patients against radiation remains a major concern for these Departments. The regulatory and institutional framework has been established since 1980. Because of their oldness, they may not be suitable for radiation protection of persons exposed for medical purposes.

76-6 17) Gait variability also discriminates between different f

76-6.17). Gait variability also discriminates between different frailty status groups in particular during fast walking. find more Prominent parameters related to prefrailty are reduced cadence (d = 1.43) and increased step width variability (d = 0.64), whereas frailty (vs. prefrail status) is characterized by

reduced step length during habitual walking (d = 1.32) and increased double support during fast walking (d = 0.78). Interestingly, one study suggested that dual-task walking speed can be used to predict prospective frailty development. Conclusion: Gait characteristics in people with frailty are insufficiently analyzed in the literature and represent a major area for innovation. Despite the paucity of work, current results suggest that parameters beyond speed

could be helpful in identifying different categories of frailty. Increased gait variability might reflect a multisystem see more reduction and may be useful in identifying frailty. In addition, a demanding task such as fast walking or adding a cognitive distractor might enhance the sensitivity and specificity of frailty risk prediction and classification, and is recommended for frailty assessment using gait analysis. Copyright (C) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel”
“Density functional calculations are presented for various properties of the elpasolite crystals Cs2NaYX6 (X= F, Cl, Br) using the CASTEP module, either in the generalized CCI-779 PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor gradient approximation (GGA) or in the local density approximation (LDA). Specifically, the calculated properties are lattice parameter, density, band gap, elastic constants, bulk modulus, sound velocity, Debye temperature, Gruneisen constant, phonon frequencies and phonon dispersion. The variations of some of these properties with applied pressure have also been calculated. Comparison with experimental data is made where available. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”

hamartoma of the chest wall (MHCW) is a rare neonatal benign tumor with an estimated incidence of 1 in 3000 among primary bone tumors, and 1 in one million in the general population. Traditionally, the treatment of choice was an en bloc resection, but surgery limited to symptomatic cases, is now suggested by most authors due to the numerous cases of spontaneous regressions. We report 2 patients of symptomatic MHCW, characterized by progressive respiratory distress, who underwent surgical treatment with prompt resolution of symptoms. Surgeons and neonatologists should be aware of this rare condition and its possible fatal or nearly-fatal complications.”
“Background: The objective of this research was to examine treatment patterns and health-care costs associated with second-step pharmacotherapy in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who initiated monotherapy with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) in 2010.