The chronic changes occasionally found in the omentum in acute (complete) OT [5], seem to substantiate the occurrence of the recurring type of OT. A certain number of OT are caused by inflammatory foci within
the abdominal cavity, which produce an inflammation by contiguity in the neighbouring omentum. This may be true in cases of mild or subsiding appendicitis or cholecystitis in which the original focus subsides, but the changes induced in the omentum persist. In conclusion POT is unipolar when the proximal TSA HDAC nmr omentum remains fixed and the other tongues are free. SOT is bipolar due to a fixation of the omental tongue both proximally to the colon and distally, subsequently to adhesions for pathological conditions. Case Report S. C., a retired man, aged 83, was admitted to our Hospital NSC23766 because of an intra-abdominal pain started a few days before in the absence of fever, vomiting or nausea. The patient felt a dull pain in right side of the abdomen for one day, he did not sleep during the subsequent night, then he was visited at home by his Practitioner who treated the patient pharmacologically. In the same day, when
the abdominal pain became steady and dull, the patient was brought to First Aid Service of our University General Hospital. The Patient was affected by glaucoma, hypertension had a pace maker and had received right saphenectomy and right eye cataract interventions ten years before. At physical
examination the abdomen appeared bloated, tenderly, with slow peristalsis, last evacuation the day before. There was moderate rigidity of the upper right side of the abdomen, with tenderness in the right and in the lower quadrants. At the admittance laboratory the findings showed white blood cells count 7,640/mmc with 81.6% polymorphonuclear cells, increasing at the next days evaluations (91.6% polymorphonuclear cells), alfa-1 seroproteins 10.8 g/dl and glycaemia 173 mg/dl. As this disease may mimic other surgical emergencies, extensive imaging studies were performed. Ultrasonography (US), which gave negative result, Computerized Tomography (CT) (Figure 1, 2) scan which showed an inhomogeneous, irregular edge profile mass of 38 × 30 × 25 cm of great omental appearance, localized at the right side, moreover, concentric distribution of fibrous and fatty folds converging radially toward the torsion with oedema of the fat tissue was evidenced. Figure 1 Computerized tomography (CT) scan shows a characteristic fat pattern. The vascular pedicle extends caudally and enters a large well-circumscribed heterogeneous fatty mass in the right lower quadrant and AP26113 increased fat density. Figure 2 Computerized tomography (CT) scan shows the fat pattern. An omental vascular structure is seen at the center of concentrically layered streaks. The operation was performed on the third day after admittance, in improved metabolic conditions.