The ELISA technique required relatively large amounts of tissue extracts, and one mouse could therefore be used only for the measurements of the two actual cytokines
as the oral mucosa, ear skin or lymph nodes cannot be dispersed in too large volume of extraction buffer to display measurable amounts of the cytokines. Counting of lymph node cells. In a separate set of experiments (n = 2), submandibular and auricular (2 + 2) and axillary (4) lymph nodes were excised and kept in PBS. The lymph nodes were then squeezed through a nylon mesh (NYHC 150–80; Tidbecks, Ljungsarp, Sweden) to acquire single cell suspensions. The volume was adjusted to 10 ml before counting in a Bürker haemocytometer. Total cell counts for the combined submandibular/auricular and axillary lymph selleck inhibitor nodes Decitabine nmr were estimated. Calculations. The oral mucosa and ear skin IL-2 and IFN-γ content was estimated per mg wet weight tissue. The total content of respective cytokine in quadruple regional (submandibular and auricular) and distant (axillary) lymph nodes was calculated. The tissue levels of IL-2 and IFN-γ differed in individual mice and not least between the different experimental series. However, the peaks of cytokine appearance/disappearance were consistently sharp but could vary from 4 to 24 h after hapten exposure in individual mice. The figures shown (Figs. 1–3)
are representatives of single experimental series, as assembling ADAMTS5 the results from the three different experimental series into one curve causes considerable obscuring of the real biological response. Mice with normal oral mucosa or ear skin showed very low levels of IL-2. One exposure of the hapten to the oral mucosa or the ear skin (sensitization) resulted in increased levels of IL-2 locally,
(maximum 24-fold increase for the oral mucosa, and maximum 27-fold increase for ear skin, both n = 3) peaking 4–6 h after exposure and thereafter quickly subsiding. At 24 h, the IL-2 levels were back to baseline. After a second hapten exposure (elicitation), a similar peak of IL-2 occurred (maximum 39-fold increase for oral mucosa and 35-fold for the ear skin, both n = 3). The levels of IL-2 after elicitation were normalized by 12–24 h regardless whether oral mucosa or ear skin was examined. One exposure to the hapten resulted in only minor variations in the levels of IFN-γ in both ear skin and buccal mucosa. Increased levels of IFN-γ were found mainly after the second hapten exposure where a rapid increase in this cytokine was demonstrated. The peaks of IFN-γ were found between 8 and 24 h after re-exposure to the hapten (maximum 14-fold increase for oral mucosa and 8-fold for ear skin, n = 3) in tissue sensitized a week earlier. The levels of IFN-γ after elicitation were normalized by 24–48 h regardless whether oral mucosa or ear skin was examined.