To date, about 350 cancer genes have been identified.3 Results of recent systematic DNA sequencing of the cancer genome have shown the following Obeticholic Acid datasheet characteristics. 1 There are two types of mutations in cancer cells: ‘driver’ and ‘passenger’. Driver mutations contribute to tumor
cell growth and survival under restricted conditions and are positively selected during the course of cancer development. The rest of the mutations are ‘passenger’ mutations, which have not contributed to cancer development or been positively or negatively selected. There are three types of cancer genes: oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and stability genes.1 Oncogenes encode proteins that promote cell multiplication and survival. Their expression or functions are activated by point gene mutation, fusion to another gene by chromosomal translocation and/or gene amplification. About 90% of cancer genes are dominant-acting oncogenes.3 Tumor suppressor genes encode proteins that inhibit cell multiplication and promote cell death. Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes is achieved by point mutation, gene Dinaciclib molecular weight deletion or insertion, or by epigenetic silencing. Activation of oncogenes or inactivation of
tumor suppressor genes confers cell growth and gives the cancer cell a survival advantage. On the other hand, stability genes encode proteins whose loss or over-expression increases genetic alterations all over the genome. Stability genes include DNA repair genes, DNA damage sensor genes and cell cycle checkpoint genes. Malfunction of stability genes could be the driving force of the carcinogenic process.4–6 Alternatively they may not be necessary for carcinogenesis, but may merely promote this process.7 This topic is one of issues that will be discussed in this review. Most solid tumor tissues, even when they are microscopically small, contain acute and chronic hypoxic and/or anoxic areas
where oxygen pressure is lower than is physiologically normal.8,9 As an adaptive response to the lack of oxygen, cancer cells may change their genome to increase their survival. In 1996, Glazer’s find more group first presented evidence that the tumor microenvironment, especially hypoxia, induces high levels of gene mutations in cancer cells. This study was based on their hypothesis that ‘the microenvironment may give conditions that either increase DNA damage or compromise the DNA repair process’.10 Since then, this hypothesis has been tested by many research groups.11 The results of these studies generated a new concept that the microenvironment (hypoxia) induces genetic instability.12 This hypothesis accepts the idea of ‘genetic instability as a hallmark of cancer’; however, the extension of the hypothesis does not necessarily require the idea that cancer, especially sporadic cancer, gains gene mutations in putative stability genes that may drive the carcinogenic process.