This smart transducer interface using IFS has the advantage of encapsulating and isolating internal complexity of slave nodes.Figure 3.Decoupled flow control.The interface protocol is controlled by an active master that supplies the synchronization to all the slave nodes. The communication is round-based. Every round starts with a fireworks byte sent by the master that is used for synchronization and round identification (Figure 4). Bus access conflicts are av
Denoising has always been an important task in sensor data processing, and it has also become increasingly significant in the field of electronic measurement and instruments. Vibration sensor data from a mechanical system are often associated with important measurement information for machinery condition monitoring and fault diagnosis [1].
For example, vibration signals from defective rolling element bearings are generally observed as periodic transient impulses due to the rotating nature. Research has shown that these periodic transient impulses often reflect important physical information related to the machine dynamics. Effective analysis of the vibration signals is the basis of machinery fault diagnosis. However, in practice there always exists lots of background noise in collected vibration data, which will corrupt the fault-induced transient impulses. Hence, it is always an important aim to denoise the measured vibration signal and extract the intrinsic fault signatures for a reliable fault diagnosis.Generally, data denoising can be conducted in either the time domain, or the frequency domain, or the time-frequency domain.
In the time domain, a typical method is the time-domain averaging method which is most suitable for analyzing a strictly periodic signal [2]. In the frequency domain, a typical method is band-pass filtering, which only considers narrow band information [3]. Due to their transient properties, defect-induced vibration signals generally have a wide frequency band. Because the above two approaches can’t take time and frequency information into account simultaneously, the information of transient impulses will be always lost or the noise will not be removed completely. On the contrary, the time-frequency representation can combine time and frequency information together, which can benefit data denoising with a synthetic consideration of both kinds of information [4].
By this approach, the noise in the entire time-frequency plane can be expected to be removed. AV-951 Due to this advantage, time-frequency domain denoising approaches have been widely developed. Typical approaches are mainly based on the wavelet transform (WT) and the time-frequency analysis (TFA).The WT has the merit of multi-resolution analysis, which is very suitable for detecting a transient state anomaly that is embedded in a normal signal.