The data are from the Norman Manley International Airport
(NMIA) located on the south coast in Kingston and the Sangster International Airport (SIA) located on the north-west coast, in Montego Bay. NMIA has 32 years of data from 1957 to 1989 and SIA has 21 years of data from 1970 to 1991. The existing data for both stations show that NMIA experiences higher rainfall intensities for 6–24 h while SIA has higher rainfall intensities for durations shorter than 2 h. For example, NMIA’s 100 year RP 24-h intensity is 12 mm/h, which is 72% more intense than that for SIA, which is 7 mm/h. Likewise, NMIA’s 100 year RP, 5 min intensity is 310 mm/h, which is 26% less intense than SIA’s of 420 mm/h. The data is extended to 2010 by reducing continuous gage data available at both stations since 2004 (SIA) and 2006 (NMIA) and by aggregating selleck chemicals llc daily data from a number of sources (see Section 2.3 for the methodologies used). The data sources include the NOAA
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) data for NMIA (1973–2011) and SIA (1975–2011). The data is extended backwards from 1962 to 1895 using maximum daily rainfall totals taken from the Jamaica Weather Reports. The Jamaica Weather Reports are monthly and quarterly reports of the colonial Weather Office between 1892 and 1949 and the West Indies Meteorological Service and British Caribbean Meteorological Service between 1950 and 1969. These reports are archived at both the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine library and NOAA and are believed to be reliable sources of weather observations. A re-analysis was done of NMIA and SIA 5 min–24 h durations Alectinib AMS for 1957–1991 using the frequency analysis configuration originally employed (UWA, 1995), to verify existing IDF curves. The configuration of Gumbel PDF, Probability Weighted Moments (PWM) in Greenwood et al. (1979) and Hosking PPF is referred to as the control experiment. Goodness of fit (GOF) was assessed using correlation coefficient (CC), Spearman rank correlation
(SRC) and bias (Biondi et al., 2012). Four sets of experiments were done to determine how the choice of PDF, parameter estimation method (PEM) or PPF affected the outcome of the IDF curves. The experiments are detailed in Table 1. The PPFs examined were Hosking, Weibull and Hazen plotting point estimators (Vogel and McMartin, 1991 and Stedinger Lonafarnib mouse et al., 1993). The PEMs examined were: PWM, L-Moments (Hosking, 1990 and Millington et al., 2011) and Standard central moments statistics. The PDFs examined were Weibull, Gumbel and Generalized Logistic Distribution (GLO) (Hosking et al., 1985). GOF and IDF change factors for the best performing frequency analysis configuration were determined. The effects of extension and infilling on frequency analysis were also examined. Pre and post-filled AMS for SIA and NMIA were compared for changes in the statistics for each station.