Cultures and BKM120 solubility dmso anamorph: optimal growth at 25°C on all media; no growth at 35°C. On CMD after 72 h 10–11 mm at 15°C, 23–27 mm at 25°C, 13–15 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 1 selleck chemicals llc week at 25°C. Colony hyaline, thin, not zonate; margin wavy or forming lobes. Mycelium loose, organised in radial
patches, little on the agar surface; primary hyphae to ca 15 μm wide. Aerial hyphae short, scant. No autolytic activity and coilings noted. No diffusing pigment, no distinct odour noted. Chlamydospores absent or rare, slightly more frequent at 30°C, (8–)10–17(–26) × (8–)9–15(–23) μm, l/w (0.9–)1.0–1.4(–1.6) (n = 30), (sub)globose, ellipsoidal or pyriform, terminal, less frequently click here intercalary and then more angular, multiguttulate. Conidiation starting after 3–4 days mainly around the plug and at the proximal margin, variable, scant or abundant, on solitary phialides
sessile on surface hyphae or minute erect, acremonium-like to irregularly verticillium-like conidiophores; sometimes concentrated in narrow concentric zones, sometimes also submerged in the agar to the bottom of the plate; macroscopically invisible, sometimes appearing in white fluffy tufts in distal areas. Conidial heads to 50 μm diam. At 15°C dense white pustules noted after 2 weeks, mostly at the colony sides. At 30°C colony forming empty spaces, resembling snow crystals. On PDA after 72 h 12–13 mm at 15°C, 19–30 mm at 25°C, 1–5 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 1 week at 25°C. Colony irregularly leaf- or crystal-like, flat, margin wavy; mycelium dense, primary hyphae to ca 10(–15) μm thick, parallel and particularly densely arranged at the margin. Centre thin, becoming finely farinose to granular at the surface; residual part of the colony developing several concentric, downy, whitish, mottled zones or becoming
irregularly mottled Progesterone with more or less radially arranged whitish downy spots. Aerial hyphae thick, short and dense in the centre; long, rather flat and radially arranged toward the margin, becoming fertile. Autolytic activity inconspicuous, coilings absent. No pigment, no distinct odour noted. Conidiation starting after 3–4 days at the proximal margin and around the plug, short, mostly on 1–2(–3) phialides on aerial and surface hyphae, dense, spreading across entire plate, concentrated in concentric zones and white spots, often on stromatic bases, sometimes in irregularly distributed white tufts or pustules to 1.5(–4) mm diam. Conidial heads wet, minute, sometimes to 50 μm diam.