A double-strand break is recognized by the sensor protein complex

A double-strand break is recognized by the sensor protein complex MRN (MRE11-RAD50-NBS1). The sensor recruits ATM, which further activates its targets CHK1/CHK2. A single-strand DNA is sensed by ATRIP (ATR interacting protein) and recruits ATR. ATR also activates CHK1/CHK2. It has been found that acute severe hypoxia (<0.02% O2 for less than 24 h) activates both ATR and ATM without DNA damage.53 It is assumed that the activation of ATR is not transducing DNA damage but directed toward maintaining replication folk stability during severe hypoxia by phosphorylating the replisome components, MCM2 and MCM3.54 However, when cells are re-exposed to oxygen, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are very quickly

generated and damage cellular DNA. In response to the damage, ATM is activated and phosphorylates a downstream protein, CHK2.55,56 The activated CHK2 causes Sorafenib clinical trial G2 cell cycle arrest through phosphorylation of Cdc25C and Cdc2.56 There is a possibility that cancer cells may propagate new genetic alterations caused by reoxygenation-induced ROS if the cells

are insensitive to the G2 arrest.54 The concept of ‘genetic instability’ was introduced to define the cancer cells’ property of new mutations with Ulixertinib mw each cell division. Using tissue cultured cancer cells, Lengauer and Vogelstein first demonstrated that some, but not all, cancer cells continuously change their chromosome numbers with each cell division.57 They termed this type of genetic instability as chromosome instability (CIN). Later, CIN was extended to characterize persistent changes, not only in the number of whole or part chromosomes (whole chromosome instability, W-CIN), but also changes in the structure of chromosomes (amplification, deletion and translocations: segmental chromosome instability, S-CIN) during the lifetime of cancer cells. Based on CIN observed in tissue cultures, it is assumed that the frequent occurrence of the chromosomal abbreviations observed in human tumor tissues is caused by CIN mechanisms. Great Florfenicol progress in understanding the molecular basis of CIN has been made through the

use of experimental in vitro and animal models.58 These studies have shown that W-CIN is caused by failures in the correct transmission of chromosomes into daughter cells or the spindle mitotic checkpoint.57 On the other hand, some inherited conditions, such as ataxia telangiectasis, Bloom syndrome, Fanconi anemia and Nijmegen breakage syndrome, are called chromosome instability syndromes and associated with S-CIN and a predisposition to certain types of cancer. Through identification of the genes responsible for these conditions, it is known that S-CIN is caused by mutations of the genes involved in replication, repair and S-phase checkpoints.59 Before CIN was fully understand, another type of genetic instability, microsatellite instability (MSI or MIN), had been recognized in a small fraction of cancers.

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