60e and f) Anamorph: none reported Material examined: ECUADOR,

60e and f). Anamorph: none reported. Material examined: ECUADOR, Tungurahua, Crenigacestat ic50 Hacienda San Antonio pr. Baños, Province, on the leaves of Chusqueae serrulatae Pilger., 9 Jan. 1938, H. Sydow. (S reg. nr F8934 type, F8935 isolectotype, as Leptosphaeria saginata). Notes Morphology Mixtura was formally established by Eriksson and Yue (1990) as a monotypic genus

represented by M. saginata based on its immersed and thin-walled ascomata, sparse, broad pseudoparaphyses, sac-like asci with a short pedicel and thick apex. Mixtura has a “mixture” of characters found in other pleosporalean genera. The peridium structure is comparable with Phaeosphaeria, the ascospores with Trematosphaeria and asci with Wettsteinina (Eriksson and Bucladesine supplier Yue 1990). According to the structure of ascomata and hamathecium, Mixtura was provisionally assigned to Phaeosphaeriaceae (Eriksson and Yue 1990). Phylogenetic study None. Concluding remarks Morphologically, the sparse broad pseudoparaphyses and sac-like asci with a thick apical structure in Mixtura seem more comparable with the generic type of Teratosphaeria (T. fibrillose Syd. & P. Syd., Teratosphaeriaceae, Capnodiales, Dothideomycetidae) than that of Phaeosphaeria (P. oryzae). The heavily

pigmented, multi-septate ascospores and the persistent pseudoparaphyses of Mixtura however, differ from those of Teratosphaeria. Thus, here we assign Mixtura under Teratosphaeriaceae as a distinct genus until Acetophenone phylogenetic work is carried out. Montagnula Berl.,

Icon. fung. (Abellini) 2: 68 (1896). (Montagnulaceae) Generic description Habitat terrestrial, saprobic. Ascomata CH5183284 in vivo small- to medium-sized, immersed to erumpent, gregarious or grouped, globose to subglobose, black. Hamathecium of dense, narrowly cellular, septate pseudoparaphyses. Asci bitunicate, fissitunicate, usually cylindro-clavate to clavate with a long pedicel. Ascospores oblong to narrowly oblong, straight or somewhat curved, reddish brown to dark yellowish brown, muriform or phragmosporous. Anamorphs reported for genus: Aschersonia (Hyde et al. 2011). Literature: Aptroot 1995; Barr 2001; Berlese 1896; Clements and Shear 1931; Crivelli 1983; Leuchtmann 1984; Ramaley and Barr 1995; Schoch et al. 2006; Wehmeyer 1957, 1961; Zhang et al. 2009a. Type species Montagnula infernalis (Niessl) Berl., Icon. fung. (Abellini). 2: 68 (1896). (Fig. 61) Fig. 61 Montagnula infernalis (from M 1183, holotype). a Appearance of ascomata immersed in host tissue. b Section of an immersed ascoma. Note the hyaline closely adhering cells in the ostiole region. c Section of the peridium comprising a few layers of cells. d An immature ascus with a long pedicel. e, g Mature muriform ascospores in asci. f Cellular pseudoparaphyses. Scale bars: a = 0.5 mm, b, c = 100 μm, d–g = 20 μm ≡ Leptosphaeria infernalis Niessl, Inst. Coimbra 31: 13 (1883).

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