27 Current TSA HDAC solubility dmso seaweed contains polysaccharide as its constituent13 and 14 so it can be assumed that it possess bone marrow stimulating actions through activation of hematopoietic stem cells. In the present study blood count has been conducted in control and algae treated animals. Results of the experimental study regarding hematological parameters as shown in Table 1 showed that level of hemoglobin was elevated significantly when detected on 30th day, indicating that the seaweed has an augmented hematopoietic effect as this is also confirmed by slight increase in the red blood cell count. Red blood cell (RBC) indices are an integral part of the complete blood count (CBC) test and employed
as a diagnostic tool to detect the cause of anemia, a condition in which there are too few red blood cells.28 Hematocrit
also denoted as packed cell volume (HCT/PCV) is the volume of erythrocytes in blood. The present study showed elevated level of Hematocrit (HCT/PCV) as compared to the control on long term dosing. The increase in hematocrit value might be because of its stimulant effect on erythrocyte production. Average red blood corpuscles volume measurement (MCV) is defined as the mean cell volume based on the cell size. Iyengaria stellata showed drop in MCV level but this decrease is not significant. The other determinant as MCH defined as hemoglobin amount per red blood cell. The investigated seaweed showed increased MCH level which can be related to the effect of Iyengaria stellata on hemoglobin level. The stimulated Hemoglobin production after 30 day dosing of the seaweed also elevates MCH value. MCHC which is the amount of hemoglobin relative selleck screening library to the size of the cell (hemoglobin concentration) per red blood cell also seem to be increased. In our result, the high value
of MCHC could be due to the increase level of hemoglobin and RBC count, as Iyengaria stellata promotes the hematopoietic system. White blood cells or leukocytes are the integral part of immune system. They provide defensive system to the body by combating against both infectious disease and foreign invasion. Due of their nature white blood cell (WBC)/leukocyte counts have been widely used by clinicians as an indicator to monitor progression of healing because in patients.29 Since Iyengaria stellata enhanced WBC levels, we conclude that Iyengaria stellata likely contains constituents that could induce an apparent antigen-driven response. This is an outcome of interest. The seaweed might possess wound healing property. It can also be assumed that the current seaweed provides protection against immunosuppressant. Platelets perform a key role in the maintenance of a normal hemostasis, the process of maintaining the circulating fluid with in the blood vessels.30 Generally low platelet counts increase bleeding risks and high counts may lead to thrombosis, although this is mainly when the elevated count is due to myeloproliferative disorder.