3). Flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 (also called reggie-2 and reggie-1, respectively) are lipid raft-associated
proteins and are thought to be involved in clathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytosis pathways, which is already stated by several studies [22], [23], [24] and [25]. Another study discussed a contribution of flotillins to maturation processes of late phagosomes INCB024360 clinical trial in macrophages (J774) [26]. Furthermore, Vercauteren and co-workers reported a flotillin-1-dependent uptake mechanism of polyplexes in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells [27]. These results corroborate the findings demonstrated in the present study, in which flotillin-1/2 were partially detected in LAMP-1-bearing vesicles of H441 and ISO-HAS-1 (see additional Fig. 1), but it did not colocalize
with early endosomal marker proteins such as EEA1 (early antigen 1, data not shown). Since this Sotrastaurin in vivo phenomenon occurs in a variety of cell types such as macrophages (J774), epithelial cells (H441, HeLa, RPE) or endothelial cells (ISO-HAS-1), it appears to be a general phenomenon. Thus, flotillins may play a general key role in late- or lysosomal degradation or storage processes. Uptake experiments with Sicastar and AmOrSil in H441 which were carried out under coculture conditions also revealed an incorporation in flotillin-1 and -2 labelled vesicles for Sicastar Red but not for AmOrSil (Fig. 6) after an incubation period of 4 h and 20 h further cultivation in fresh serum-containing media. The H441 cells in coculture differed from the monoculture with respect to time-and dose-dependency of the nanoparticle uptake. Quantification to experiments clearly showed NPs to a higher
extent in H441 in MC compared to H441 in CC with ISO-HAS-1. Based on fluorescence intensity measurements, the H441 in CC did not take up the NPs (Fig. 5A and B). The polarised, barrier-forming H441 in CC required an increased exposure time (permanent 48 h) and an up to 10x higher dose than MCs to observe a visible uptake of Sicastar Red. The reasons for these observations are currently unclear but might be associated to the more restrictive barrier in the CC or with more matured endocytosis mechanisms. The H441 in CC with ISO-HAS-1 displayed a barrier-forming cell phenotype with a more differentiated and polarised state similar to that observed in the in vivo biological barrier. These cells develop a tight barrier demonstrated by a continuous circumferential ZO-1 (zonula occludens-1) staining [9] and [28]. The H441/ISO-HAS-1 coculture achieve a transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) value that averages 560 ± 6 Ω cm2 [9] and [28].