vulnificus from the bacteriological viewpoint After confirming t

vulnificus from the bacteriological viewpoint. After confirming the efficacy of HBO therapy in a mouse footpad infection model, we showed that cells of V. vulnificus, but not those of E. coli, lose their colony-forming ability in HBO, whereas both species grow equally well in ambient air. Furthermore, we obtained evidence

that HBO-induced killing of V. vulnificus cells can be accounted learn more for by their low tolerance to DNA damage induced by ROS, as well as their inability to inactivate ROS. Vibrio vulnificus strains L-1, 371 and 374 (8), and E. coli K-12 strain MG1655 were obtained from our own laboratory stocks. The yeast extract broth (pH 7.2) used contained per liter: 5 g of yeast extract (Difco, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), 10 g of polypeptone (Wako, Osaka, Japan), and 5 g of NaCl. Cultures in this medium were grown with shaking, and cells from log-phase cultures were used throughout the study. When needed, the broth medium was solidified with agar (Wako) added at 15 g/L to make yeast extract agar. All bacterial cultures were incubated aerobically at 37°C. An HBO chamber of 15.2 L capacity (Barotec Hanyuuda, Tokyo, Japan) was used throughout this study. HBO experiments

were carried out essentially as previously described (9, 10). After flushing the chamber containing test materials with O2 at a flow rate of 10 L/min for 5 mins, the pressure in the chamber was raised at a rate of 0.2 atm/min by adjusting the outlet valve. After the pressure had reached the desired value, O2 flow was maintained at 1.0 L/min. Opaganib After each treatment, decompression was performed slowly, at a rate of 0.1 atm/min, to avoid complications, namely, bubble formation in the blood

of the animals or in the culture media. Animal experiments were carried out in the chamber at room temperature, whereas in vitro cultural studies were done by placing the chamber in a room kept at 37°C. Experiments using N2 gas were carried out in essentially the same way. Log-phase cells of V. vulnificus grown in Dichloromethane dehalogenase yeast extract broth were washed twice in PBS, centrifuged, and resuspended in PBS containing approximately 106 cells/mL. The right hind footpads of 6-week old female mice of Kud:ddY strain (specific pathogen free, Kyudo, Saga, Japan) were inoculated with 0.1 mL aliquots of the suspension. The footpad swelling index, used to indicate the degree of inflammation (11), was defined as the difference in size between the inoculated and the control (left hind) footpads of each animal, and the size of the footpad was approximated by the product of thickness × width, both measured in mm with Peacock dial thickness gauge calipers (Ozaki, Tokyo, Japan). Finally, the mice were killed by cervical dislocation and the infected feet cut off at the level of the knee and homogenized with PBS (1.0 mL per foot) in a Multi-Beads Shocker MB601 (Yasui Kikai, Osaka, Japan).

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