Two other ports were also placed, a 10-mm port 2 fingers below the right subcostal margin at a level between the xiphoid and the umbilicus, and a 5-mm port midway between the umbilicus and the anterior-superior iliac spine. As the patient had a large abdomen, all ports were inserted 2 to 3 fingers lateral to previously inserted port sites. The insufflation pressure was kept at 10 mm Hg. Standard laparoscopic nephrectomy was successfully completed. The specimen was removed by lateral enlargement of the lower port incision and the patient remained
stable throughout the procedure, which was 188 minutes in duration including the anesthesia time. Fetal cardiac activity was monitored throughout the procedure and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patient and fetal stability were ascertained at Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the end of the procedure. Postoperatively, she was given a maintenance dose of isoxsuprine for 3 days and fetal cardiac activity was monitored at regular intervals. She was discharged on the fifth postoperative day (Figure 1). The remainder of the pregnancy was uncomplicated. She had a normal vaginal delivery at term, giving birth to a healthy female child weighing 2850 g. Figure 1 Photograph of the patient on the fifth postoperative day. Scars of previous surgery (right laparoscopic ureterolithotomy) can also be seen. Discussion When pyonephrosis complicates pregnancy, maternal ill health makes management
difficult, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and necessitates careful consideration of risks of both the disease Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and the intervention to mother and fetus. Cystoscopy and retrograde stent insertion can be performed under local anesthesia, but are associated with a small miscarriage rate.2 USG-guided PCN can be safely performed during pregnancy to maintain the drainage
of pyonephrosis until delivery3; it may not be effective in all cases.4 Dovlatian and colleagues4 reviewed the records of 120 Obeticholic Acid molecular weight pregnant Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical women with pyodestructive forms of pyelonephritis. Eighty-three women underwent PCN that was ineffective in 12 patients (14.5%) who ultimately required nephrectomy,4 which is the best option in total destruction of the kidneys.3 Furthermore, when inserted during early pregnancy, PCN has increased chances of either falling Bay 11-7085 out or becoming calcareous, which will necessitate multiple repeat nephrostomies throughout the pregnancy2 as in our case, thus increasing morbidity. Our patient was initially managed with prolonged PCN but it was not effective and got blocked very frequently, leading to morbidity and sepsis. The decision to operate on the patient and remove the kidney was difficult and was based on consideration of wishes and concerns of the mother and her family members, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic nephrectomy at this stage. Until recently, abdominal emergencies have been managed by open procedures. With increasing experience as well as technical advances in laparoscopic surgery, many surgeries are being performed in a minimally invasive fashion,5 even in pregnant patients.