To reflect the causal relationships among different factors affecting the clean-up costs in a probabilistic fashion, the Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are used as a medium to propagate the available knowledge through a model. For this purpose, literature survey
and expert knowledge are extensively utilized and systematically organized. In order to validate the model, the case studies are performed, whereby the outcome of the model for given scenarios is compared with the result based on the existing models provided in the literature, with which good agreement is found. The study does not include any socioeconomic and environmental costs, nor does it include waste management procedures. It is also assumed that the oil spill in the model happens all at once, and only three seasons are considered, leaving winter out of the scope of the analysis. selleck chemicals llc Moreover, we assume, that in the case of an oil spill, only the Finnish fleet capability is used, and no assistance from neighboring countries or EMSA is given. Nevertheless, the presented model quantifies the costs of oil-spill clean-up operations, which can be further utilized for the purpose of oil-combating fleet optimization adopting the cost-benefit analysis. This in turn, can be utilized in the framework of formal safety assessment aimed at enhancing
maritime safety – (Hanninen et al., 2013 and Goerlandt and Kujala, 2011) – including protection of life and health, the marine environment – (Lecklin et al., 2011 and McCay et al., 2004) – and property – (Montewka et al., 2012 and Montewka et al., 2010) – by using risk analysis and cost benefit assessment. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents methods and describes the probabilistic model. Section 3 find more shows and discusses the results, which are obtained. Section 4 provides concluding remarks. As the oil spill cleanup-cost estimation model consists of many uncertain variables, which very often are of a probabilistic nature, there is a need to adopt a proper modeling technique to handle these uncertainties. For the purpose of this study, we adopted BBNs, which
are recognized tools to represent one’s knowledge about a particular situation as a coherent network, see for example Darwiche (2009). Moreover, BBNs allow instantaneous reasoning under uncertainty and allows one to effectively update a model when new knowledge is available. This is an increasingly popular method for modeling uncertain and complex domains, see for example Montewka et al., 2012, Montewka et al., 2011, Uusitalo, 2007 and Aguilera et al., 2011. BBNs are especially used to simulate domains containing some degree of uncertainty caused by imperfect understanding or incomplete knowledge of the state of the domain, randomness in the mechanism or a combination of these circumstances, see Bromley et al., 2005, Montewka et al., 2010 and Eckle and Burgherr, 2013. BBNs can also be used as a way to facilitate decision making, see Lehikoinen et al.