This regulation seems to be temporally controlled as a similarly

This regulation seems to be temporally controlled as a similarly dramatic change in neuronal numbers was not observed when PP4c is removed

by NestinCre IDH inhibitor recombination at E12.5. Interestingly, these phenotypic differences are not due to different effects on spindle orientation. In fact, a statistical analysis of 3D spindle orientation data reveals essentially complete randomization of spindles in PP4cfl/fl;NesCre mice, suggesting that PP4c activity itself is not regulated in time but the sensitivity toward spindle manipulation decreases over time. Together with previous data, our findings suggest a model in which three different stages can be distinguished for the role of spindle orientation for

lineage specification in the developing cortex (Figure 7). During the early neuroepithelial stages (Figure 7A), before neurogenesis, correct spindle orientation is required for the survival of neuroepithelial progenitors Akt inhibitor (Yingling et al., 2008). At the onset of neurogenesis (Figure 7B), spindle orientation is no longer required for progenitors to survive but is essential to maintain a symmetric division mode in a fraction of those progenitors and to maintain the progenitor pool, which essentially contributes to the cortical lamination. As the rate of neurogenesis increases, the importance of spindle orientation for progenitor maintenance decreases and, during the peak of neurogenesis (Figure 7C), oblique orientation of the mitotic spindle (as observed upon overexpression of mInsc or mutation of LGN) is correlated with the production of intermediate progenitors or outer radial glial progenitors (oRGs) ( Postiglione et al., 2011). How these distinct modes of cell-fate regulation in the developing cortex and their connections to spindle orientation are brought about is currently unclear. Most likely, daughter cells arising from the

division of neural progenitors respond differently to the various signaling pathways acting at different developmental stages, such as Notch and FGF ( Pierfelice et al., 2011 and Guillemot and Zimmer, 2011). Although we observed 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase spindle randomization in PP4cfl/fl;NesCre, we did not observe an increase in intermediate progenitors as seen in mInsc knockin mice or LGN mutants ( Postiglione et al., 2011 and Konno et al., 2008). This could potentially be explained, because mInsc overexpression results in an increase of oblique/vertical divisions when analyzed by an improved methodology to model the random distribution of spindle orientation (C.J., Y.X., and J.A.K., unpublished data), whereas PP4cfl/fl;NesCre mice show random spindle orientation. Alternatively, activities of the mutant genes other than spindle orientation could be responsible. In Drosophila, redundant pathways regulating spindle orientation have been observed ( Siller and Doe, 2009).

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