This eGFP-PilACt fusion protein contains
both an EPS binding domain (PilACt) and a fluorescent domain (eGFP). We used eGFP because it provided brighter fluorescence compared with GFP and this protein expressed and folded well in M. xanthus. A control construct, pMXE02, that carries only the eGFP was also generated (Table 1). eGFP-PilACt and eGFP were both purified in vitro and soluble recombinant proteins with the expected sizes were obtained (lanes 4–7, Fig. 1). To confirm the structures of the recombinant proteins, Western blot analysis was IDH inhibitor clinical trial conducted using anti-PilA and anti-eGFP antibodies. As expected, PilACt could be recognized by the anti-PilA antibody, eGFP was able react with the anti-eGFP antibody, and the eGFP-PilACt fusion protein was recognized by both antibodies (Fig. 1b,c). The fusion protein was then subjected to the precipitation assay (Li et al., 2003) to test its EPS-binding ability. eGFP-PilACt exhibited strong binding to EPS (3rd panel, Fig. 2), whereas eGFP alone showed little binding (4th panel, Fig. 2), indicating that the specific binding of eGFP-PilACt to EPS in vitro was primarily due to the PilACt domain in the fusion protein. Next, we tested whether eGFP-PilACt could be used efficiently
to label the native EPS. WGA, a lectin which binds to EPS in M. xanthus (Lux et al., 2004), buy Small molecule library was used as a positive control. Myxococcus xanthus wild-type DK1622 cells were allowed to form submerged biofilms and fruiting bodies, and were labeled with purified eGFP-PilACt and Alexa 633-WGA. SYTO 82 was added to differentiate
the cells from the matrix. In 24-h submerged fruiting bodies, the cells aggregated in the dome-shaped structure for which EPS forms the scaffold (Lux et al., 2004). eGFP-PilACt and WGA were both found to label EPS in similar patterns, as evident by the colocalization of the green and red signals in the overlay image (upper panel, Fig. 3a). At the same time, slime trails connecting different Amoxicillin fruiting bodies built up with EPS and cells were detected. eGFP-PilACt and WGA were both found to label these structures (middle panel, Fig. 3a). In MOPS buffer, where M. xanthus cells were induced to form non-developmental biofilms, EPS formed patch-like structures with cell aggregates, and eGFP-PilACt and WGA colocalized to these structures as well (bottom panel, Fig. 3a). The ICA plots of individual WGA and eGFP-PilACt staining intensities (y-axis) against their respective calculated product of the differences from the mean (PDM values, x-axis) were generated using an established method for colocalization analysis (Li et al., 2004). Among different staining patterns, including random, dependent and segregated (Li et al., 2004), the intensities of WGA and eGFP-PilACt labeling patterns clearly exhibited a dependent relationship in all structures (right panel, Fig. 3a). As suggested by Li et al.