This approach allowed vaccination status and virgin/non-virgin status to change with age, so that the distribution of rates of sexual debut among vaccinated and unvaccinated women could be compared longitudinally. Ties were handled by the Efron approximation [27]. The number of sexual partners was analyzed by cumulative ordered logit models with four categories in the outcome variable [28]. For number of partners before age NSC 683864 in vitro 18, the cutpoints separating the ordered categories were: 1, 2 and 4 partners. For lifetime number of partners, the cutpoints were: 1, 4 and 11 partners. The models were fitted with nonproportional odds, and give probabilities for having more versus fewer partners
at each cutpoint. Non-use of contraception at first intercourse was analyzed by logistic regression. HPV vaccination generally occurred at somewhat higher ages than did first intercourse (25th, 50th, 75th percentile; age at vaccination: 16, 18, 22; age at first intercourse: 15, 16, 18). Moreover, women vaccinated before first intercourse were relatively young compared to unvaccinated women (mean ± SD age at response: 19.9 ± 2.1
and 33.9 ± 7.9, respectively). To avoid confounding the outcomes by age at response and age at first intercourse, we matched unvaccinated women to pre-debut vaccinees: For each woman vaccinated before or at the same age as sexual debut, we randomly sampled one unvaccinated woman who was at similar age at Metabolism inhibitor response, and who had not yet had sexual debut by the vaccinee’s age at vaccination. Hence, for analyses of number of sexual partners, vaccinees as well as non-vaccinees could be virgin or non-virgin by the time of response. Exact matching by age was performed whenever possible, but in a few cases the sampling had to be performed
from a neighboring age stratum because the supply of corresponding non-vaccinees of exactly matching age had been exhausted. Analyses of the number of partners before age 18 years did not include women who were vaccinated at age 18 years or above, while analyses of lifetime number of partners and non-use of contraceptives ever during first intercourse included the full age range of women who were vaccinated before or at the same age as sexual debut. Sampling of matched non-vaccinees was done separately for organized and opportunistic vaccinees, and for each outcome variable. The sampling procedure resulted in groups of non-vaccinees with similar characteristics to the corresponding vaccinees in terms of age at response, age at sexual debut and proportion of virgins at response (Appendix, Table A.1). Participants could refrain from answering any question, hence sample size may vary between analyses. All models were adjusted for country (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), educational level (years of schooling: ≤9, 10–12, 13–16, ≥16) and mode of response (paper, web, phone). Models of opportunistic vaccination were also adjusted for the interaction between country and vaccination status.