These 50% KO mce had been even further crossed wth the opposte se

These 50% KO mce had been even more crossed wth the opposte intercourse of MnSOD floxed mce to obtamce expressng finish deletoof MnSOD the F2 progeny.addton, to ncrease the percentage of 100% KO mce the F2 progeny crosses betweeMnSODhomozygous floxed mce and 50% KO have been also madenotype analyss Genomc DNA was extracted ether usng thehotSHOT approach, from ta clps of four weeks old pups or usng a commercalzed kt from kdney and lver tssues after sacrfcng the mce at eight 10 wks of age.Fve dfferent publshed PCR prmer pars had been routnely made use of to detect the MnSODwt and MnSODflox alleles and also the nserted Cre gene by multplex PCR analyss.The multplex PCR condtons have been as follows, 95 C for 15 mn, the32 cycles of 94 C for 35 sec, 58 C for 35 sec, 72 C for 35 sec, and fnally 72 C for 10 mn.The MnSODwt allele was detected by usng prmer pars P1 and P2, whch amplfed a 500 bfragment,whereas the MnSODflox allele was detected by usng prmer pars P1 and P4, whch gave a 358 bfragment.The Ksp1.
3 “selleckchem “ Cre transgene was detected by usng the prmer pars Cre1 and Cre2, whch amplfed a 235 bfragment.Aaddtonal prmer P3 was applied to dentfy the deleted MnSOD allele.Usng prmer pars P1 and P3, a 401 bproduct of MnSODdel was detected the full KO mce, whereas theheterozygous deletogave aaddtonal 754 bwd type product.The PCR condtons to amplfy deleted MnSOD allele have been slghtly dfferent, Ispinesib 95 C for 15 mn, the30 cycles of 94 C for 45 sec, 62 C for 45 sec, 72 C for 1 mn, and fnally 72 C for 10 mn.OrgasolatoMce had been anesthetzed wth sofluorane, whch was delvered as 5% for nductoand 2% for mantenance anesthesa usng aSOTEC vaporzer.Ancsowas made superor on the symphyss pubs uto the tof the xyphod practice.Bateral nephrectomy was carried out mmedately just after clampng of renal vessels.Both kdneys had been weghed and processed as follows,half with the rght kdney was fxed neutral buffered formaln, the otherhalf and total left kdneys had been saved for bochemcal assays.The blood was collected from your nferor vena cava.Lver,heart, and lungs had been solated, weghed and saved forhstology.
hstologcal evaluatoTwo

cross sectons of four to 5 um thckness from each paraffblock have been mounted oa glass slde and deparaffnzed through xylene and a seres of graded ethanol washes.The sectons had been even more processed as descrbed separate sectons below.Counterstanng was performed wth Mayershematoxyland blung was carred out by dppng 0.125 % ammona blue soluton.Fnally, the sldes have been dehydrated and covered wth Cytoseal 60 and mounted wth a cover slp.All mages have been takeusng NkoEclpse E800 mcroscope.Perodc Acd Schff reactoRenal sectons were assessed for tssue njury usng the Perodc Acd Schff reactousng standard procedures.For each kdney, cross sectons contanng the cortex and medulla have been measured objectvely by a pathologst for the severty of cellular damage.

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