There was no significant relation between age or the history of a

There was no significant relation between age or the history of antibiotics consumption and the A2143G point mutation. Figure 1 Gel electerophorsis

of 1400 bp fragment PCR products from 23s rRNA gene for RFLP. All 63 H. pylori isolates were positive. Figure 2 PCR-RFLP patterns of 1400 bp fragments after digestion with BsaΙ enzyme in order to detect A2143G point mutation in 23s Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical rRNA gene. Fifty five percent of the ClaR isolates (11 out of 20 isolates) had the A2142G point mutation (figure 3). There was no significant relation between gender, age or the history of antibiotics consumption of the patients and this mutation. Figure 3 PCR-RFLP patterns of the 1400 bp fragments digested with MboΙΙ enzyme in order to detect A2142G point mutation in 23s rRNA gene. Thirty percent of the ClaR isolates (six out of 20 isolates) were positive for the A2142C point mutation (figure 4). There was no significant relation between age, gender or the history of antibiotics consumption of the patients and this mutation. Figure 4 Gel electerophorsis of 3′-mismatch Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical PCR products in order to detect A2142C point mutation in 23s rRNA gene. The A2142C point mutations occurred only in ClaR isolates without A2142G or A2143G (table Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 3). Table3 Results obtained with the PCR-RFLP and the 3′-mismatched

PCR methods for the clinical isolates tested according to the clarithromycin resistance. Discussions Resistance of H. pylori to antibiotics has been increasing in most parts of the world AZD1152-HQPA mouse including Iran.11,13-15 Clarithromycin resistances is a serious concern for doctors who are using the drug as one of the most important therapeutic components for H. pylori-induced gastric ulcer. There are ever-increasing requests from physicians for a reliable standard antimicrobial Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical susceptibility test for H. pylori against clarithromycin, but that would be hard to do because of its fastidious properties and its time-consuming culture. Furthermore, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical success in H. pylori culture is dependent on the microbiology

laboratory technicians’ skills.16 Clarithromycin resistance rates are varied across the world. For example Elviss et al in London reported 11% resistance to clarithromycin,17 or Bagalan et al announced 27.6% resistance.18 Also, the rate of clarithromycin resistance varies in different cities in Iran. For example Kohanteb et al reported 9.4% resistance in Shiraz (2007),19 while Mohammadi Cell press et al showed 20% resistance to clarithromycin in Tehran (2005), and in more recent studies Siyavoshi et al (2010) in Tehran reported 7.3% resistance.11,15 Clarithromycin is a macrolide, that due to its high prices, was not used commonly in Iran in the past years. However, after its production in the country in recent years, it has been used routinely in the treatment of H. pylori infections. So, the emergence of ClaR isolates is inevitable. It is also has been shown that countries with a high consumption of other macrolides have a higher rates of clarithromycin resistance.

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