The ToxR-like BprP in turn activates genes encoding the structural components of T3SS3, including the araC-type regulatory gene bsaN. BsaN is important for the activation of T3SS3 effector and translocon gene
expression, and several regulatory genes including bprC and virAG, whose gene products control T6SS1 expression [8]. The mechanisms through which these transcriptional regulators control the expression of their target genes are not understood. HKI-272 nmr It is also unclear whether these regulators are acting directly on the identified target genes or through as yet undiscovered intermediary regulators, and whether additional host cell cofactors are involved that may serve as intracellular signals. Compared to T3SSs in other pathogens such as Pseudomonas, Salmonella and Shigella, only a limited number of effectors have been identified for B. pseudomallei T3SS3. One of the effector proteins ITF2357 in vivo secreted by T3SS3 is BopE, which is annotated to exhibit guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity and has been reported to facilitate invasion of epithelial cells [15]. bopA is generally assumed to encode a T3SS3 effector since it is located adjacent to bopE, although T3SS3-dependent secretion of BopA has never been verified. Functionally, BopA has been described to promote
resistance to LC3-associated autophagy and a bopA mutation results in an intracellular Aspartate replication defect [16,17]. A third effector protein, BopC (BPSS1516), was recently shown to be secreted via T3SS3, and bopC mutants were reported to be less invasive in epithelial cells [18] and to exhibit delayed endosome escape and reduced intracellular growth in J774 murine macrophages [19]. To determine the full extent of the BsaN regulon and examine whether BsaN activates the expression of additional effector genes, we performed global transcriptome analysis of B. pseudomallei KHW wildtype (WT) and a ΔbsaN mutant strain using RNAseq. Our analysis shows that 111 genes are under the direct or indirect transcriptional
control of BsaN. In addition to activating loci associated with T3SS3, we demonstrate that BsaN functions to repress transcription of other loci. Thus, BsaN functions as a central regulatory factor within a more extensive network to facilitate the intracellular lifecycle of B. pseudomallei. Results Identification of the BsaN regulon through RNAseq analysis BsaN (BPSS1546 in the reference B. pseudomallei K96243 genome) was previously shown to function as a central regulator of a hierarchical cascade that activates effector and translocon genes of T3SS3 as well as several associated regulatory genes [8,14]. Furthermore, BsaN was shown to activate the expression of certain T6SS1-associated genes including the two-component regulatory system locus virAG (BPSS1494, 1495), and the bim actin motility genes (BPSS1490-1493).