The task instructions were held constant throughout each block of 20 trials. There were up to two targets and ‘fake targets’ in each trial. In order to analyse all possible aspects of spatial attentional modulation, we asked participants to attend
to contiguous and non-contiguous parts of visual space. For the undivided attention conditions, participants were instructed to attend to both stimuli in either the contiguous right hemifield (‘attend right’) or the left hemifield (‘attend CYC202 cell line left’). In order to obtain cortical responses during divided attention, participants had to attend to the inner right and outer left stimuli (‘split left’) or the inner left and outer right stimuli (‘split right’). For each of the divided attention conditions, 160 trials were run; for the conditions in which participants had to attend within a visual Alectinib cell line hemifield, 140 trials were run. Target presentation was limited to durations of up to 19 frames, i.e. for a maximum duration of approximately 317 ms. Given the flickering nature of the checkerboards (see Video S1 for an example of the task with target durations set
to 350 ms) and the large distance between the stimuli in the divided condition (approximately 10.5°), it is highly unlikely that a high rate of target–pair detections would be achieved with a strategy of attending to one of the stimuli and shifting attention to the second stimulus as soon as a possible target is detected. One hundred and sixty-eight-channel scalp EEG recordings were amplified and digitised at 512 Hz by the use of ActiveTwo systems (Biosemi, Amsterdam, Netherlands) with an analog low-pass filter at 103 Hz. The acquisition of the data occurs relative to an active two-electrode reference, which drives the average potential of the participant as close as possible to the reference voltage of the analog-to-digital converter box (for a description of the Biosemi active electrode system referencing and grounding conventions, see Eye movements were recorded with an EyeLink 1000 system (SR Research, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada). Even though participants rested the head on a comfortable Tenoxicam chinrest, the eye-tracker was set to head-free mode. In this setting, the eye-tracker corrects for head movements and remains very accurate even with changing head position. Eye position was recorded at 500 Hz and synchronised with the EEG recording by the use of triggers at the onset of each trial. Every eight blocks, the eye-tracker was re-calibrated by the use of a nine-point grid. The raw eye-tracking data were filtered by use of a fourth-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a 15-Hz cut-off to eliminate rarely occurring high-frequency errors. Owing to calibration error, the eye-tracker may represent the participant’s horizontal gaze position up to 1° to the left or right of the intended position.