The Mn3+ introduced at the square-planar 6b site promotes the val

The Mn3+ introduced at the square-planar 6b site promotes the valence LCL161 mixing of Mn3+ and Mn4+

ions at the octahedral 8c site, leading to an increase in the bonding distances in the MnO6 octahedron and a slight decrease in the distances in the CuO4 polyhedron. All the compounds present a spontaneous increase in the magnetization below T-C, typical of ferro-or ferrimagnetic materials. Due to the increasing content of Mn3+ at the 8c sites, some Mn-Mn exchange interactions switch from ferromagnetic (FM) to antiferromagnetic (AFM), weakening the overall FM exchange interactions and decreasing T-C and M-S. Neutron powder diffraction (NPD) data indicate that both sublattices (square-planar and octahedral) show a parallel arrangement of the magnetic moments. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3498807]“
“The functional role of synchronization has attracted much interest and debate: in particular, synchronization may allow distant sites in the brain to communicate and cooperate with each other, and therefore may play a role in temporal binding,

in attention or in sensory-motor integration mechanisms. In this article, we study another role for synchronization: the so-called “”collective enhancement of PLX4032 cost precision”". We argue, in a full nonlinear dynamical context, that synchronization may help protect interconnected neurons from the influence of random perturbations-intrinsic neuronal noise-which affect all neurons in the nervous system. More precisely, our main contribution is a mathematical proof that, under specific, quantified conditions, the impact of noise on individual interconnected systems and on their spatial mean can essentially be cancelled through synchronization. This property then allows

reliable computations to be carried out even in the presence of significant noise (as experimentally found e. g., in retinal ganglion cells in primates). This in turn is key to obtaining meaningful downstream signals, whether in terms of precisely-timed interaction (temporal coding), population coding, or frequency coding. Similar concepts may be applicable to questions RSL 3 of noise and variability in systems biology.”
“Bananas are among the most important fruit crops worldwide, being cultivated in more than 120 countries, mainly by small-scale producers. However, short-stature high-yielding bananas presenting good agronomic characteristics are hard to find. Consequently, wind continues to damage a great number of plantations each year, leading to lodging of plants and bunch loss. Development of new cultivars through conventional genetic breeding methods is hindered by female sterility and the low number of seeds. Mutation induction seems to have great potential for the development of new cultivars.

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