The levels of other nutrients will also be recorded and reported where they are available. The collated information will be compiled with that from existing food composition databases to enable a robust evaluation of the
dietary survey data. Data analysis: The analysis will focus on the separate levels of sodium in packaged Everolimus molecular weight and chain restaurant foods, both overall and according to major food categories, and for leading manufacturers and retailers. The sample size cannot be fixed in advance because there are few data available to describe the number of processed or restaurant foods for sale or the availability of nutritional information. Formulation of a national salt reduction strategy The information collected during the stakeholder consultations, population surveys and evaluations of the food supply will be used to develop a comprehensive understanding of potential mechanisms for reducing dietary sodium/salt in India. These insights will be developed into an action plan and policy response. This will be done in consultation with a National Advisory Committee which includes a diverse range of members from national government organisations, multilateral health agencies, the civil society and
research organisations. Consideration will be given to stakeholder and consumer opinions and key social and cultural factors, including geographical diversity, as well as evidence of effectiveness of different approaches to salt reduction around the world. The goal is to develop a locally relevant national salt reduction programme using existing frameworks for the development of salt reduction strategies.30 31 It is anticipated that the strategy will have three main elements: working with the food industry to reformulate processed foods as well as meals provided at chain
restaurants and smaller hawker-type outlets; sustained, locally relevant public education campaigns to change consumer behaviour; and efforts to change the food environment through the establishment of standards and educational programmes AV-951 and by working in settings such as schools, hospitals and workplaces. As far as possible, the different elements of the strategy will be integrated into existing government and stakeholder programmes and activities. Ethics and dissemination The project began fieldwork in February 2014 and will report the main results in 2016. The findings will be targeted primarily at public health policymakers and advocates, but will be disseminated widely through other mechanisms including conference presentations and peer-reviewed publications, as well as to the participating communities.