The friability of
tablets was measured in Roche friabilator. Twenty tablets were dedusted at 25 rpm for 4 min and weighed again.8 Percentage friability was calculated from loss in weight as given in equation below. The weight loss should not be more than 1%. %Friability=[(Initialweight−Finalweight)/Initialweight]×100 The test was carried out on 6 tablets Ku-0059436 manufacturer using digital tablet disintegration test apparatus (Microprocess based-Electrolab). Distilled water at 37 °C ± 2 °C was used as a disintegration media and time in second taken for complete disintegration of tablet with no residue remaining in apparatus.10 Percent drug release of venlafaxine hydrochloride mouth dissolving tablets was determined by USP dissolution test apparatus (Lab India − 2000) using paddle method. The dissolution test was performed using 900 ml of phosphate buffer pH 6.8 at 37 °C ± 0.5 °C at 50 rpm. A sample of 5 ml solution was withdrawn from dissolution apparatus at regular interval of 30 s. The same quantity of sample was replaced with fresh dissolution medium. The samples were filtered through 0.45 μm membrane filter.11 and 12 Absorbance of these samples was analyzed at λmax 225 nm using UV–visible spectrophotometer. Wetting time of tablets can be measured using simple procedure. Six circular tissue papers of 10 cm diameter were placed in a petridish.
10 ml of water containing amaranth dye was added to petridish. A tablet was carefully placed on the surface of tissue paper.10 Time required for water to reach upper surface of the tablet was noted as wetting time. The porosity of tablets was calculated from the weight of tablet (W), tablet volume (V), and true density of powder (ρ) using following equation, 13 %Porosity=[1−weightoftablet(W)/Volume(V)×Density(ρ)] The true density of powder was determined by a pycnometer. Photomicroscope (Olympus cx31) was used for pore analysis. FTIR spectra of all formulations were obtained on IR-spectrophotometer (Prestige-21-shimadzu). The samples were prepared in KBr dish (2 mg of sample in 200 mg KBr). The sample scanning range was 500–4000 cm−1. The
surface morphology of optimized formulation before and after Adenosine sublimation of camphor was studied using (GEOL Ltd. Japan-JSM-6360). The tablet surface was sputter coated for 10 min with gold by using fine coat ion sputter and examined under SEM. The stability of optimized formulation F3 was tested according to ICH guideline, at 40 °C ± 2 °C/75%RH ± 5% condition in stability camber (HMG, India) for 3 months.14 Tablets were tested for drug content for 30, 60, and 90 days. The 32 factorial design was used for the optimization of mouth dissolving tablets of venlafaxine hydrochloride (Design Expert The two independent factors, concentration of Indion-234 (X1) and concentration of camphor (X2), were set to three different levels and experimental trials were performed for all nine possible combinations.