The decrease in SICI observed with large peaks in the PTSH and la

The decrease in SICI observed with large peaks in the PTSH and large MEPs suggests that when the conditioning stimulus is weak (0.6–0.7 RMT), the depression of the corticospinal selleck monoclonal humanized antibody inhibitor volley has little effect on motoneuron discharge: the weakly depressed corticospinal inputs after SICI are still sufficient to make the motoneurons discharge. Therefore, the combination of the two methods

(PSTH and MEP studies) suggests that (1) low-threshold cortical neurons activated at low TMS intensities are not sensitive to SICI, (2) the distribution of inhibitory inputs in cortical networks is non-linear and (3) the conditioning stimulus has to be > 0.7 RMT to depress the corticospinal volleys sufficiently and to avoid BVD-523 chemical structure the saturation at motoneuron level that would prevent the evaluation of SICI using the difference between conditioned and test responses. Although the non-invasive techniques used in humans can only provide indirect electrophysiological data, it has been possible (1) to give further evidence for linear input–output properties of cortico-motoneuronal networks (Devanne et al., 1997) and (2) to give the first evidence for non-linear summation of inhibitory inputs in neural networks controlling pyramidal cell discharge in the

human primary motor cortex. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the input–output properties of cortical networks have been studied under physiological conditions (both in humans and in animals). These results are important for the understanding of synaptic integration at cortical level and summation at motoneuron

level in studies using TMS: synaptic integration at cortical and spinal levels should be taken into account in interpreting the effects of TMS. In addition, this study provides further insights into the neural mechanisms underlying plasticity in awake humans. Intrinsic plasticity in layer V cortical neurons has been demonstrated in animal preparations in vivo (Paz et al., 2009), but a change in the relative recruitment gain of inhibitory interneurons has been proposed to participate in long-term potentiation of pyramidal cells only using a computational model (Marder & ADP ribosylation factor Buonomano, 2004). Given the non-linear summation of inhibitory inputs at cortical level, a change in the recruitment gain of inhibitory interneurons can strongly influence pyramidal cell excitability. Such a mechanism should be taken into account in studies using techniques recently developed to investigate TMS-induced plasticity in humans (e.g. repetitive TMS and paired-associative stimulation). We thank Prof. David Burke (Sydney University) for reading and commenting upon the manuscript. The study was supported by UPMC Université Paris 6, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle Epinière (IRME), and INSERM. L.S.G. was supported by a grant from UPMC Université Paris 6 (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche).

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