The complications of anticancer drugs have caused scientists to t

The complications of anticancer drugs have caused scientists to try two approaches to solve #Selleck MI-773 randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# the problem: developing new drugs with fewer side effects and application of new drug delivery systems with high specificity to cancerous tissues; the second approach has lower costs and more attention nowadays. Solid lipid nanoparticles

(SLNs) are one of the most important nanosized drug delivery systems that were introduced about two decades ago [4]. SLNs Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that are often considered for intravenous application are colloidal submicron carriers sized 50 to 1000nm and composed of solid lipids dispersed in water or surfactant aqueous solution. These nanoparticles have particular features like small size, high surface area, and high loading of drug that makes them potent and beneficial carriers for improving drug efficacy [5, 6]. SLNs are similar to o/w emulsions used for total parenteral

nutrition; the difference is that emulsion liquid lipid has been replaced with a solid lipid. SLNs have advantages such as controlled drug release in considered Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical site, excellent biocompatibility, increase in drug stability, high drug content, easy industrialization Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and sterilization, better control of drug release kinetics, high bioavailability for bioactive drugs, chemical protection of sensitive drugs, easier producing rather than biopolymeric nanoparticles, producible by common emulsification methods, long-time stability, and various applications [4, 7, 8]. For parenteral administration, SLN dispersions must be sterile. SLNs with appropriately small particle size less than 200nm can be sterilized using filtration. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Autoclaving the finished dispersion is not practical as the lipids melt at sterilizing temperatures and the molten lipid droplets coalesce. Therefore just aseptic manufacturing processes following sterilization of the starting materials by gamma irradiation of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical final dispersion or exposure to ethylene oxide (EO) gas are applicable for their sterilization. Bacterial endotoxins in raw materials need to be monitored, especially when raw materials

are of natural origin. It may be possible to lyophilize the SLN dispersions, and this lyophile Cytidine deaminase can be irradiated or exposed to EO. SLNs are used in transdermal applications, as gene vector carriers, for topical uses, as cosmeceuticals, as targeted carriers of anticancer drugs to solid tumors, in breast cancer and lymph node metastases and in antitubercular chemotherapy. So far successful studies have been performed upon nanoparticles containing etoposide. For example, the study of Yadav et al. [9] was performed in the survey of poly(lactic-coglycolic acid)-monomethoxy-poly(polyethylene glycol) and poly(lactic-coglycolic acid)-Pluronic block copolymers and the study of Reddy et al. [10] on nanoparticles produced by tripalmitin could be mentioned.

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