search was done and the sequences of serotype 2


search was done and the sequences of STI571 molecular weight serotype 2 were found close to a Sri Lankan strain [GenBank: GQ252676] with an average of 99% homology. The sequences of serotype 3 were close to a Chinese strain [GenBank: GU363549] with an average homology of 99%. These two strains were taken as prototypes for respective serotypes. The C-prM fragment of serotype 2 was found to be rich in AG composition with an average percentage of 32.7% and 25.4% respectively. The C-prM gene junction of serotype 3 was also click here found AG rich with an average percentage of 29.3% for A and 25.1% for G. Further the obtained nucleotide sequences were translated using the BioEdit software. Translated results showed that amino acid tyrosine is not present in the polyprotein fragment of serotype 2. This region is rich in leucine with an average of 12.78% followed by arginine (10.64%). The polyprotein fragment of serotype 3 was found rich in leucine (12.58%) and lysine with an average of 10.67%. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of the sequences Phylogenetic tree was conducted using the MEGA 4 software and multiple sequence alignment was deduced by using BioEdit software. A region corresponding to nt122-523 (401-bp) of the prototype was aligned

for sequences of serotype 2. Similarly check details region of nt158-609 (451-bp) was aligned for the sequences of serotype 3. Regions of both of the serotypes were not hyper variable. No insertions or deletions were seen in the regions of both serotypes. A slight variation in nucleotide sequences and translated polyprotein

sequences was observed for sequences of serotype 2. The serotype 3 sequences were almost identical and same type of polyprotein was translated from the nucleotide sequences. Phylogenetic analysis was constructed among cAMP the sequenced isolates as well with different geographical isolates sequences. The sequences were retrieved from GenBank data base and 35 diverse sequences from different geographical regions were selected for serotype 2. For serotype 3, eleven sequences from different geographical regions of the world and 3 sequences from Pakistan were selected. A 329-bp region (nt194-522 of prototype 2) for serotype 2 and 219-bp region (nt200-418 of prototype-3) for serotype 3 was chosen. On constructing the tree, the sequenced serotype 2 lied in the category of genotype IV (Figure 1). The sequences fall in genotype IV with northern Indian strains. As there are no submitted sequences of genotype II and IV for capsid region of serotype 3, so the tree was constructed using sequences from genotype I and III. But the tree clearly showed that the studied sequences of serotype 3 had genotype III (Figure 2). They fall in the same genotype with Indian strains and other three Pakistani strains from Karachi.

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