Standardisation of the definition of an episode of low back pain

Standardisation of the definition of an episode of low back pain would facilitate comparison and pooling of data between studies. Periods for recalling the occurrence of low back pain also varied between the studies from one year (Jones et al 2003) to 11 years (Poussa et al 2005). Szpalski and colleagues (2002) noted that 18% of participants who reported a lifetime history of low back pain at baseline did not do so when questioned again two years later. Burton and colleagues (1996) PS341 performed a 5-year prospective study and reported high levels of error in recall of previous low back pain in children.

Harreby and colleagues (1995) asked their study participants to recall low back pain

TSA HDAC datasheet that had occurred during school age after 25 years. Only 29% of participants’ reports were consistent with school records. Clearly, episodes of low back pain can be forgotten. Even with a recall period of four months, Carey and colleagues (1995) reported poor recall of an episode of low back pain. A method of reporting that involves immediate documentation of an episode would be a credible approach to collecting data. There was little additional support for any specific risk factor when relationships between factors were investigated. Nissinen and colleagues (1994) found that spinal asymmetry increased the risk of back pain a year later in females. However, when progression of spinal asymmetry was measured in the same cohort over eight years, it was not predictive (Poussa et al 2005). In the study by Sjolie and Ljunggren (2001), endurance of the lumbar extensors was identified as a significant risk factor. Three other measures in this study also included

the endurance of lumbar extensors in their calculation, and all three were found to be significant risk factors as well, and this factor may warrant further investigation. In the same study, none of the three measures related Astemizole to lumbar mobility were significantly associated with back pain risk, reinforcing the unlikely role of this factor. Results were also consistent among palpation tests, with none being associated with future low back pain. In the activity category, a very high number of sporting sessions per week was a significant risk factor, but in the same study, high levels of physical education at school were not predictive of future back pain (Jones et al 2003). These authors also reported an association between having a part-time job and future low back pain. This might appear intuitively sensible as work that loads the spine has been repeatedly associated with reports of low back pain. However, in the same study, the type of work (heavy versus light) and the number of hours worked were not significant risk factors.

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