Several molecular partners of maspin have been identified to date

Several molecular partners of maspin have been identified to date, including the pro-form of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (pro-uPA) and collagen I (Col I), the most abundant protein in the bone matrix. Maspin is a tumor supressor gene, since its expression inversely correlates with malignancy in human breast and prostate cancer (PC) progression. Both tumors metastasize to bone. In a murine model, maspin inhibited PC bone growth, osteolysis and angiogenesis, and in so doing, increased fibrosis and produced hollow lumen acini. We investigated

herein the effect of maspin in PC cell growth and morphology

on top of a layer of polymerized Col I (2D) or embedded in the this website collagen matrix (3D). To this end, three different clones of DU145 cells stable transfected with maspin (M3, M7 and M10) and cells transfected with empty vector (Neo) were used. In 2D, the maspin transfectants spread uniformly on Col I whereas the Neo cells form disconnected patches. Reaction with overlaid fluorescein labeled Col I (DQ-collagen) revealed that the Neo cells exhibit more collagenolytic activity per cell than the maspin transfectants. In 3D, however, the Neo cells spread whereas the M7 cells, which were shown to express the most maspin, formed spheroid Ruxolitinib structures of compact polarized cells in a cobblestone-like formation. Cell polarization was ascertained by functional visualization of collagenolytic activity and by b1-integrin immunostaining using a Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope. DQ-collagen

cleavage was detected in the periphery of the spheroids, whereas the core was devoid of collagenolytic activity. The b1-integrin was also found predominantly localized at the basal cell-matrix Rho interface. Hoechst nuclear staining revealed hollow lumens. The M3 and M10 cells, which express lower levels of maspin, formed less compact spheroids. This maspin-induced cell redifferentiation appears to be specific for fibrillar Col I, since in the basement membrane-like Matrigel, containing nonfibrillar collagen IV, acinus formation was not detected. In sum, this investigation shows that maspin can restore the redifferentiation of PC cells in the bone microenvironment, thus recapitulating the in vivo observations, with important consequences for therapeutic intervention in PC metastatic progression to bone.

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