Second, the highly inhomogeneous arrangement of GNRs in thin GNR-OPC films can produce more electromagnetic hot spots. Finally, additional contribution can come from multiple scattering within thick opal films, though this assumption needs to be specially studied. Conclusions In this work, we have studied a very simple technique to fabricate SERS substrates using wet chemical approaches only.
Our approach is based on the use of a plasmonic powder of gold nanorods that are DAPT mouse applied in a concentrated form onto an opal-like substrate of silicon nanospheres. As compared with the previously studied randomly oriented mono- and polylayers of gold nanorods on a plain silicon substrate, the structures obtained by us provide for a two- to fivefold enhancement of the SERS signal. The main mechanisms behind this effect are apparently the increase of the number of reporter molecules adsorbed on the mesoporous substrate and the increase of the number of electromagnetic hot spots. Of course, the analytical SERS enhancement coefficients Inhibitor Library supplier attained with our
structures are a few orders of magnitude lower than those for such structures as the silver-immobilized nanorod assembly [41, 42]. However, the principal advantage of our approach is its exceptional simplicity, for it requires no special procedures of vacuum deposition on colloidal crystals. Several ways are possible to optimize the method described here. First, it seems advisable to replace gold nanorods with silver-coated nanorods [63] or to investigate other types of nonspherical gold or silver nanoparticles [64]. For example, Zhang et al. [65] fabricated SERS substrates
based on large-scale metallic thin films assembled from size-selected silver nanoplates with tunable plasmonic properties. It was shown [65] that the aggregation of silver nanoplates with sharp corners produces hot spots between the corner gaps, thus Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease leading to strong electromagnetic SERS enhancement. Unfortunately, unlike that of gold nanorods, the high-yield fabrication of monodisperse silver nanorods is not an easy task [66, 67], and a recent review of this issue has been published by Negri and Dluhy [68]. However, gold nanorods can be used as convenient templates for subsequent silver coating to ensure flexible tuning of the localized plasmon resonance from near-infrared (e.g., 900 nm) to visible (e.g., 580 nm) [69]. Our preliminary results show that the Au@Ag core-shell nanorod assemblies demonstrate better SERS performance as compared to aggregated gold nanorod films. Our full 3-D finite-difference time-domain simulations [70] confirm the existence of enhanced local electromagnetic hot spots that are more intensive in the case of random assemblies of silver-coated nanorods. Investigations along these lines are under way at our laboratories, and the results will be published elsewhere.