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“Background Malignant gliomas are the most common primary tumors in the brain; they are destructive, invasive, and the most highly vascularized lethal tumors observed in humans. Gliomas are classified into grades I – IV according to their histological degree of malignancy by the
WHO criterion. Despite recent progress in combination therapies, the median survival of patients with glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) is less than 14–15 months [1]. Advances in the treatment of malignant gliomas will require improved understanding of the biology and molecular mechanisms of glioma development and progression. Many studies show that the malignant transformation of glioma is a consequence of the stepwise accumulation of genetic alterations that lead to aberrant regulation of proliferation and differentiation signals and disruption of the apoptotic pathway [1]. Recent research on the molecular basis of gliomas and the implications for targeted therapeutics has focused on the PTEN, EGFR and VEGF signaling pathways [2–4].