s.l.). Methods We analysed tree diversity and species composition in three different rain forest types: Premontane (PMF), lower montane (LMF) and upper montane (UMF). We investigated modern pollen rain using pollen traps. After testing the reliability of a taxonomic surrogacy on the plant data, we compared abundance Selleck Rabusertib and representation, as well as diversity of the two data sets at family level. This was done using rarefaction and Sorensen indices. Results The correlation between tree species and families was high (r=0.81, P smaller than 0.001). Sample rarefaction on tree
pollen and plant family data revealed highest pollen diversity on sites of the UMF, but highest tree diversity on LMF and PMF sites. The Sorensen indices indicate down-drift of pollen from higher altitudes selleck inhibitor in PMF and LMF and up-drift in UMF. Between 1% and 50% of pollen taxa of each sample originate from outside the plot. Conclusions Taxonomic surrogacy at family level is a good tool for comparing presence-absence patterns of plant and pollen data in tropical regions with high tree diversity. On a family basis, pollen presence-absence data represent the corresponding
tree vegetation data, but uncertainties increase with decreasing altitude. The higher diversity in pollen data of the UMF, but slightly lower diversity in the selleck LMF and PMF, can at least partly be explained by wind patterns, local abundance of shrubs and herbs and differences in evenness.”
positive correlation between plasma levels of HDL and bone mass has been reported by epidemiological studies. As scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI), the gene product of Scarb1, is known to regulate HDL metabolism, we recently characterized bone metabolism in Scarb1-null mice. These mice display high femoral bone mass associated with enhanced bone formation. As gender differences have been reported in HDL metabolism and SR-BI function, we investigated gender-specific bone alterations in Scarb1-null mice by microtomography and histology. We found 16% greater relative bone volume and 39% higher bone formation rate in the vertebrae from 2-month-old Scarb1-null females. No such alteration was seen in males, indicating gender- and region-specific differences in skeletal phenotype. Total and HDL-associated cholesterol levels, as well as ACTH plasma levels, were increased in both Scarb1-null genders, the latter being concurrent to impaired corticosterone response to fasting.