Results  The children of diseased mothers more frequently had pe

Results.  The children of diseased mothers more frequently had periodontal diseases, especially gingivitis. In addition, clinical parameters of gingival inflammation were more expressed and oral hygiene was worse in this group of children. VPI and VPI% of the diseased and

healthy mothers differed significantly. The most common oral pathogens were P. intermedia/nigrescens and A. actinomycetemcomitans. The children of healthy mothers harboured pathogens less frequently than the children of diseased mothers. The sharing of P. intermedia/nigrescens was more frequent (5 families) than A. actinomycetemcomitans (2 families). Conclusion.  Maternal indicators, such as periodontitis, hygiene habits, and periodontal microflora are risk factors for childhood periodontal diseases, and might be predictive of future childhood and adolescent periodontitis. Erlotinib datasheet
“Jeremy Sokhi, James Desborough, Nigel Norris, David Wright University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, UK This study aimed to explore

the views of the Ponatinib cell line senior learning and development managers (SLDMs) at large multiple community pharmacies (LMCPs) on pharmacist professional development. Participants recognised that community pharmacists cannot fulfil their roles without further development. Employer support for postgraduate qualifications as a means to address these development needs has been limited and opportunities have tended to be restricted to community pharmacists performing successfully in their role. The need to develop strategies for post-registration career development of pharmacists is recommended to maximise pharmacy’s contribution to the health of the nation.1 Whilst the hospital sector has an established approach facilitated through completion of a postgraduate diploma, the career pathway in community pharmacy is less formalised and postgraduate training has been largely dependent on individual motivation. With the majority (54%) of community pharmacists working for large

multiples2 it was decided to explore the views of the SLDMs employed at LMCPs concerning pharmacist professional development. In-depth interviews were conducted with the SLDM at four LMCPs. This was a convenience sample utilising prospective participants Buspirone HCl who had already consented to their companies’ employees participating in a related study. A semi-structured approach was adopted using a prepared topic guide consisting of a number of open questions which could be adapted as the interview progressed. Interviews were transcribed verbatim. A thematic analysis was undertaken to derive themes which reflected the majority view. Ethical approval was obtained from a University of East Anglia ethics committee. Two main themes, ‘effects of changes in the profession’ and ‘responding to changes in the profession’, were identified. The minor theme ‘changes in the profession’ describes the increased clinical focus of the role underpinning the main themes.

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