Quantitative discussion about these temperature dependences of th

Quantitative discussion about these temperature dependences of the PL intensity will be made later. The transient PL for the E 1 band emission as a function of temperature in the Si ND array is shown in Figure  1b. The temporal evolution of each PL profile cannot be expressed by a single exponential function. The best fit was obtained typically using a triple exponential function as shown

in Figure  1c, which is common for all array samples of the high-density Si NDs. From this fitting, we have identified three PL decaying components with find more different time constants τ 1 = 770 ps, τ 2 buy RGFP966 = 110 ps, and τ 3 = 15 ps, respectively, for this case at 250 K as an example. Several papers have demonstrated ultrafast PL in a sub-picosecond region for Si NCs by means of up-conversion PL. The ultrafast emission ranging 2.0 to 2.4 eV was observed, which was attributed to the pseudodirect gap emission from the core states of Si NCs [11, 12]. In contrast, the PL components observed in our samples show time constants ranging from 10 ps to 1 ns, where values are much higher than those of the above pseudodirect gap emissions. Therefore, the most probable origin of the E 1 emission is emissive surface states weakly located at the interfaces Vactosertib of Si NDs. Dhara and Giri have reported the PL emission with the wavelength of about

600 nm with decay times of several nanoseconds [13]. They assigned this PL to the quasi-direct bandgap emission in heavily strained Si NCs because of their unique preparation of the NCs by milling. Sa’ar reviewed recent developments in the PL studies of various Si nanostructures and suggested that neither quantum confinement model nor surface chemistry model can solely explain the entire spectrum of emission properties [14]. The three PL components with different decay times imply three different types of emissive sites in the present ND array. We assigned these three decaying components from the for disk density and excitation power dependences

of the PL decay time and intensity [20]. The emission with the slowest decay time τ 1 on the order of 1 ns was interpreted by electron–hole pairs or excitons localized at individual NDs, because this PL component was dominant in the case of low-density dispersive NDs with the disk interspacings larger than 40 nm. The emission with the decay time τ 2 was understood by recombination of an electron–hole pair or exciton not strongly localized in each ND, where each wavefunction of the carrier spreads over neighboring NDs to some extent due to periodic regular alignment of the ND separated by ultrathin potential barriers. The fastest PL component with τ 3 was attributed to the recombination which was strongly affected by the electron tunneling among the NDs. In other words, this fastest PL was quenched by the electron transfer. The latter two faster PL components appeared only at high excitation densities in the high-density ND arrays.

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