Mutant strains affected by

Mutant strains affected by MK0683 ic50 insertions of ΩKm(cat) cassettes in tonB1, exbB1, exbD1, and exbD2[64] were not reduced in the activities of their extracellular amylases, proteases, and carboxymethyl cellulases, respectively, when compared to the wild-type (data not shown). However, an agar plate test for pectate lyase activity showed no activity for mutants deficient in tonB1, exbB1, exbD1, and exbD2, while there were substantial halos caused by pectate degradation around colonies of the wild-type and a positive control

(Figure 2). The lost extracellular pectate lyase activity could be recovered for all mutant strains including the exbD2 mutant B100-11.03 by introducing plasmids carrying specific copies of the complete genes [64, 66]. The halos encircling the complemented mutants were only slightly less pronounced in size than halos around the wild-type

strain B100 (Additional file 2). Due to the parallel presence of genes for pectate lyases and polygalacturonases in X. campestris pv. campestris B100, it is in several cases impossible to learn more distinguish between these enzyme classes by means of phenotypic effects such as digestion of polygalacturonic acid in agar plate tests. In such cases, the term “”pectate lyase”" is used in a loose manner in this manuscript and meant to include polygalacturonases. Figure 2 Test for pectate lyase activity in TonB-related mutants of X. campestris pv. campestris. X. campestris pv. campestris wild-type strain B100 and mutants derived from it with disrupted genes coding for core components this website of the TonB system were grown for two days on M9 minimal medium supplemented with pectate and FeSO4. The

positions of the inocula are indicated by dashed circles. Staining with Ruthenium Red unveiled halos encircling the inocula of the wild-type and a control strain that indicate activity of extracellular pectate lyases [64], while no halos were visible when the genes tonB1, exbB1, exbD1, and exbD2 were disrupted. The mutant strain B100-6.01 [64], carrying an ΩKm(cat) insertion in the non-coding region between tonB and exbB, was tested as a positive control. These first results were checked in a more elaborate approach. The strains B100-5.05 Urease (tonB1), B100-7.03 (exbB1), B100-9.01 (exbD1), B100-11.03 (exbD2), and the wild-type were grown in liquid medium under inducing conditions. The pectate lyase activity was determined in a photometric assay [38]. In contrast to the wild-type, all mutant samples showed no pectate lyase activity, see Additional file 3: Table S1. As no structural genes coding for pectate lyase enzymes were affected by the X. campestris pv. campestris mutations analyzed, it seemed likely that the mutations in the genes tonB1, exbB1, exbD1, and exbD2 affected the induction of pectate lyase genes. Pectate lyase activity is required for HR on C.

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