MSM who develop a muscular body shape are usually considered more attractive and gain more self-confidence,3 while those who fail to fulfil these aesthetic standards are less desirable and more likely tom be avoided by other men.4 The shaping of a muscular body has become a symbol of health,5 and MSM train in the gym in order
to keep fit as a way of expressing that they are fit. Another theory is that the efforts of MSM to develop a muscular body are to counteract memories of having a less athletic, or even weak or feminine, appearance during their childhood and adolescence.6 In order to become physically attractive, some men train to increase muscle mass, shifting the focus of their training from aerobic to anaerobic training, and perform excessive muscle-strengthening exercises rather than improving their cardiac performance.7 In addition, as gym training is an important component of the internal MSM culture,8 the venue (gym) is also used for social interaction and meeting potential partners. The incentive to perform intensive anaerobic training
(IAT) is therefore strong, and some MSM spend long hours in gyms shaping their bodies, while some also adopt strict dietary regimens or are tempted to use anabolic steroids.9 10 Adults are recommended to perform >150 min of moderate-intensity or >75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic (endurance or cardio) activity a week. They are also recommended to perform muscle-strengthening (resistance or anaerobic) activity >2 days a week.11 In Israel, nearly 40% of all adult men aged 21–55 perform at least 20 min of physical activity >3 times a week, and gym activity is rated as
the third most common method of exercise (21% of men). The reported main motivation to perform physical activity among Israeli men was health improvement, followed by recreational pleasure and body shaping (45%, 35% and 21%, respectively).12 The incidence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in MSM is increasing in developed countries13 including Israel.14 Extensive research has been published on factors related to MSM sexual risk, aiming to understand their internal world and identify social constituents related to risk.13–15 One relatively less studied aspect is the role of physical activity Batimastat in risk behaviour. The present study aimed to associate physical activity and sexual behaviour among men in gyms in Tel Aviv by sexual orientation, and also to explore factors associating physical activity with psychological attributes and sexual-risk behaviour. We hypothesised that MSM would practise more IAT than heterosexual men, and that MSM who perform more IAT would be involved in high-risk behaviour, as their self-image is improved and they feel more confident in approaching potential sex partners.