Moreover, alcohol dehydration and embedding procedures used in el

Moreover, alcohol dehydration and embedding procedures used in electron microscopy sample preparations, as well as the ‘Widom 601 nucleosome positioning’ sequence used for some of these studies probably favor the formation of the 30 nm fiber in vitro (reviewed in [ 14]), all factors which call into question its existence in vivo. In interphase cells, the 30 nm fiber has so far only been observed in two specialized systems: starfish spermatozoids [16], and chicken erythrocyte nuclei [16 and 17]. In contrast to the majority of cells, these

two model systems PD-332991 are largely transcriptionally inactive, they contain a more highly charged histone H1 isoform, low abundance of non-histone chromatin proteins, and a longer nucleosome repeat length [18], suggesting that the 30 nm fiber might be involved in heterochromatic transcriptional repression and compaction [17]. However, this compaction may not be sufficient for transcriptional silencing, as the structure of the 30 nm fiber in avian erythrocyte nuclei is loose enough to permit the access of even large proteins to the chromatin fiber [17 and 19]. Interestingly,

in mouse rod photoreceptor cells which have concentric areas of varying chromatin compaction, the central and most compact area shows an amorphous phase with no chromatin fibers, whereas the more peripheral layer with intermediate levels of chromatin compaction shows a 30 nm fiber, and the least condensed region see more shows only the 10 nm fiber [20]. This suggests that chromatin within these cells can exist in multiple distinct structures. In order to study the decompaction and transcriptional

activation of condensed chromatin from human cells that mimics in vivo characteristics, Reinberg and colleagues reconstituted 5 kb of DNA surrounding the RAR/RXR responsive PEPCK promoter with native histones isolated from HeLa cells, as well as histone H1, the core histone chaperone RSF, and the histone H1 chaperone NAP-1 [ 21]. This resulted in a highly compacted 30 nm chromatin fiber which became decondensed upon transcriptional SPTBN5 activation. By contrast, mitotic HeLa S3 chromosomes observed in a close-to-native state by small-angle X-ray scattering and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of vitreous sections, fail to show a higher order chromatin structure beyond the 10 nm fiber [ 22•• and 23]. Similarly, cryo-EM of rodent and plant interphase chromatin has been shown to be homogeneous and disorganized [ 24]. Furthermore, chromatin organization was studied by a combination of electron spectroscopic imaging and electron tomography, which does not involve contrast agents and creates a three dimensional image of chromatin in situ [ 25••].

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