J Bacteriol 2003,185(20):6016–6024.PubMedCrossRef 39. Chaussee MA, McDowell EJ, Chaussee MS: Proteomic analysis of proteins secreted byStreptococcus pyogenes. Methods Mol Biol 2008, 431:15–24.PubMed 40. Chaussee MA, Callegari EA, Chaussee MS: Rgg regulates growth phase-dependent expression of proteins associated with secondary metabolism and stress inStreptococcus pyogenes. J Bacteriol 2004,186(21):7091–7099.PubMedCrossRef Authors’ contributions EJM isolated and separated exoproteins, analyzed 2-DE gels, and drafted the manuscript. EAC
identified proteins with mass spectrometry and co-authored the manuscript. HM constructed the strains and participated in the design of the study. MSC conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination SB-715992 purchase and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are generally referred to as a heterogeneous group of bacteria which colonize the rhizoplane and/or rhizosphere and stimulate plant selleck kinase inhibitor growth [1, 2]. PGPR have been commercially selleck inhibitor exploited as biofertilizers to improve the yield of crops. Some PGPR have also been successfully used as biocontrol agents to prevent plant diseases caused by phytopathogens, especially some soil-borne diseases [3–5]. The investigations on the interactions
between PGPR and their second host plants can not only contribute to our understanding of eukaryote-prokaryote relationships, but also have fundamental implications for designing new strategies to promote agricultural plant production. In recent years, there is increasing evidence that plant root exudates play a key role in plant-microbe interactions [6–10]. Root exudates consist of an enormous range of compounds, among which
some can attract beneficial associative bacteria to overcome stress situations [8]. On the other hand, root exudates contain low molecular-weight carbon such as sugars and organic acids that primarily act as energy sources for rhizobacteria and shape bacterial communities in the rhizosphere [11]. To date, however, it remains unclear how root exudates exert differential effects on rhizobacteria and which mechanisms or pathways make rhizobacteria responsive to plant root exudates. Transcriptome analyses are an efficient approach to study host-microbe interactions at a wider scale. So far, the use of this approach to analyse bacterial gene expression has been extensively used to study pathogenic microbes infecting their host [12]. Only a few studies were performed with beneficial PGPR [13–15]. Several genes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in metabolism, chemotaxis and type II secretion were identified to respond to sugar-beet root exudates [13].