Interestingly, there is little variation in the abundance of SqrD, which is in agreement with the observed constitutive expression of the sqrD gene (Chan et al., 2009). The abundance of the core enzyme of the DSR system, DsrAB, is not exceptionally different between early and late growth phase. However, the DsrEFH proteins are less abundant in the late growth phase, which could be due to the change in the sulfur substrates available to the cells. The DsrEFH proteins form a complex in Alc. vinosum that appears to be involved in cytoplasmic sulfur transfer in many sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (Dahl et al., 2005).
There is a slight increase in the APR and Qmo proteins in the late growth phase consistent with the suggestion that these proteins are responsible for sulfite oxidation and thus sulfate production in Cba. tepidum 17-AAG mouse (Rodriguez et al., 2011). The dsrM mutant strain lacks a functional DSR system and oxidizes sulfide and thiosulfate, but not sulfur globules (Holkenbrink et al., 2011). This mutant was constructed by transposon mutagenesis of the dsrM gene such that polar effects on adjacent genes are minimal (wild-type phenotype was shown to be restored by complementation
Trametinib in vivo of dsrM in trans; Holkenbrink et al., 2011). The cells were sampled in the late exponential growth phase, where thiosulfate and sulfur globules are available
for oxidation. Figure 5b shows the relative expression of sulfur metabolism enzymes grouped according to the position of their genes in the genome. Seventeen per cent of the detected proteins showed large variation between wild type and dsrM mutant (>2 or <0.5) (Fig. S2). About one-third of these proteins are annotated as hypothetical proteins, which is a clear indication that the physiology of oxidative sulfur metabolism in Cba. tepidum Methocarbamol is far from understood. The core enzyme of the DSR enzyme, DsrAB, is significantly more abundant in the dsrM mutant. This may be explained by the fact that the substrate of the DsrAB enzyme presumably is present in high concentration (some form of reduced sulfur derived from the sulfur globules). However, DsrAB cannot transfer electrons to the putative DsrTMKJOP complex, and therefore oxidation of sulfur globules to sulfite cannot proceed (Fig. 1). The complete absence of sulfite probably explains why the Sat-Apr-Qmo enzyme system is less abundant in the dsrM mutant. Thus, the abundance of the individual components of the DSR system appears to be regulated according to the abundance of substrate. Finally, the absence of DsrM may explain why DsrK and DsrO are so little abundant in the dsrM mutant. DsrMKJOP constitute a tight complex in Alc. vinosum (Grein et al.