In Zimbabwe, the nurse to patient ratio in provincial hospitals is 1:522, while in district hospitals
the ratio may be as high as 1:3,023. Such ratios greatly affect the health care delivery in developing countries.47 India is classified as a lower-middle-income group country by the World Bank.48 Ninety percent of the oral cancer patients in rural areas belong to the lower or lower-middle socio-economic class, and 3.6% are below the poverty line based on Pareek’s classification.49 Around 75% to 80% of patients with cancers present with late-stage incurable disease and hence increased mortality.50 One reason for delayed diagnosis is the lack of easy access to healthcare, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with one study demonstrating a delay of 67.5 days and 53.7 days in obtaining Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a first appointment for rural and urban patients, respectively. Other reasons included poor socio-economic status of the patient, cost of care, and high rate of
illiteracy.51 Another cross-sectional study on head and neck cancers showed that various beliefs of patients (such as “it is ill-fated to have cancer”, “cancer is a curse”), non-availability of transport, ignoring the trivial ulcers in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the mouth and believing them to be self-limiting, and prolonged treatment resulting in family stress are important factors in treatment delay.52 In addition to inadequate infrastructure, the unequal distribution of health care workers poses a major challenge. The number Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of health providers per 10,000 population can range from 23.2 in Chandigarh (capital of Punjab and Haryana in the north) to 2.5 in Meghalaya. The majority of the allopathic doctors are located in the south of the country.53 Within each geographic region, a greater concentration of trained physicians is seen in urban areas (60%) compared to rural areas. In particular, 74% of all graduate doctors Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical live in urban areas and provide care to 28% of the nation’s population. Similarly, a disproportionate number of nurses and midwives (four times greater) are located in urban Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase compared
to rural areas.43 FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEM The major RGFP966 molecular weight challenge for the management of head and neck cancers is the lower socio-economic class of the majority of the population in developing countries. Along with this, scarcity of infrastructure and health care workers, illiteracy, lack of awareness among the general population about the side effects of tobacco, and prevalent cultural beliefs lead to delays in seeking treatment and, thus, advanced-stage presentation of disease. In response to the increase in the number of cancer patients, new cancer control programs have been implemented in developing countries with the goals of achieving prevention, strengthening the available cancer treatment facilities, and early diagnosis and treatment.