In the second and third study, the cost of melanoma was evaluated within a larger research focused on learn more costs of all kinds of skin tumours. In particular, in the second study [23] cost data (2003) are reported relative to the hospital system in Germany, where about 20% of hospitalizations for skin BVD-523 in vitro tumours (62,384) are related to patients
with melanoma (20,445), identified with ICD 10 code C43. For such patients, the total cost estimate vary depending on the resource evaluation method adopted: from € 59 million (evaluation with DRG tariffs) to € 55 million (evaluation with average cost per day stay). So, the average hospitalization cost per (C43) patient approximately ranges between € 2,900 and € 2,700. In the third study cost data (2005) are reported for treating patients (here too identified with ICD 10 code C43) with skin tumours in Sweden [24]. The study, which estimated Wnt inhibitor both direct and indirect costs, reports a total amount of € 142 million, of which direct medical costs represent 56%. Melanoma is associated to the highest financial burden (€ 80 million, of which 22 for direct costs). Dividing such
total direct cost by the number of recorded treatment cases, an average cost per case is obtained of about € 2,000. Considering that for each patient more than one case on the average was recorded, also this data may be comparable with previously reported ones. Before concluding, a recent review should be mentioned [25] where three cost-effectiveness studies and two cost-utility studies of chemotherapic treatment of metastatic melanoma were analysed.
The authors conclude that the cost-effectiveness has not been widely demonstrated for treatment of filipin metastatic melanoma and that a need exists for effective treatments that improve duration and quality of life. As a conclusive remark, a message can be drawn from the present study: the cost for treating advanced melanoma is not particularly high (neither in Italy nor in other West European countries). In our opinion, this is mainly due to the fact that there are no effective treatmentsavailable, which can improve both duration and quality of life. Evidence of such opinion can be found in the low frequencies with which some resources are used, in particular hospitalization (less than 10%), considering that patients are hospitalized mainly for being administered an antitumoral therapy. Further evidence is provided by the above mentioned review [25], showing the poor cost-effectiveness of the analyzed treatments. Also the French study [22] confirms the low financial impact of the advanced melanoma treatment (less than 1% of total French hospital system costs for cancer). A medical need does therefore exist (as pointed out in most studies here considered) of more research and development investments in new effective and safe pharmacological treatments.