In contrast to primary
complexes, tetraspanin-tetraspanin interactions are not stoichiometric and palmitoylation is necessary for the maintenance of these interactions [28, 40, 54, 55]. It is still unknown whether all tetraspanins expressed in a certain cell PLX3397 clinical trial are associated with each other. Importantly, tetraspanins associate indirectly with additional proteins. Functionally, these interactions cluster in TEM, enabling lateral dynamic organization in the membrane and the cross-talk with intracellular signalling and cytoskeletal structures [21]. In our study, generation of a human cell line expressing mCD81 (Huh-7w7/mCD81 cells) permissive to HCV selleck inhibitor infection allowed us to analyze the role of TEM-associated CD81 in HCV infection. This study could be performed with two recently described mAbs: MT81, which recognizes total mCD81; and MT81w, which specifically recognizes a fraction of mCD81 associated with other tetraspanins [23]. It is worth noting that such a tool allowing the detection of hCD81 associated with TEMs is not available. We first determined the inhibitory effect of both mAbs on HCVcc and HCVpp infection: MT81 strongly inhibited HCV infection, whereas MT81w led to a weak inhibition of infection at saturing concentrations. This reduced capacity of MT81w mAb to inhibit HCV infection suggests that TEM-associated CD81 molecules, recognized by this mAb, are not the exclusive site of infection. In accordance
with these results, ceramide enrichment CAL-101 clinical trial of plasma membrane leading to an increased association of CD81 with TEMs highly inhibits HCV infection. While palmitoylation is not the only mechanism by which tetraspanins interact with each other, it has been shown to play an essential role in TEM organization [28, 40, 54, 55]. The ability of palmitoylation-defective CD81 to support infection by HCVpp [10] is again consistent with a minor role of TEM-associated CD81 in HCV entry. We cannot exclude that the epitope recognized by MT81w mAb on L-NAME HCl CD81 is not involved in HCV interaction. The partial inhibition of MT81w might also be the reflect of a
partial recognition of the TEM-associated CD81 fraction, as previously suggested by Silvie et al. [23]. The entire HCV life cycle is associated with cholesterol metabolism in host cells (reviewed in [34]), and lipid composition of the plasma membrane seems very important for the HCV entry step. In our study, we showed that cholesterol depletion by treatment with MβCD strongly reduced HCV entry into target cells, and conversely cholesterol replenishment by MβCD-cholesterol complexes restored the infection levels. These results point out again the importance of cell membrane cholesterol in HCV entry, likely in the fusion process as has been previously suggested [56]. Very recently, we have shown that increasing the levels of ceramide in the plasma membrane induce a massive endocytosis of CD81 leading to a strong inhibition of HCV infection [47].