In addition, the abilities of mouse peritoneal macrophages to secrete TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-18 were significantly reduced in the DU300 group (p < 0.05), and the ability to secrete TNF-α in the DU30 group was significantly lower Apitolisib concentration than that in the control group (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the level of IL-6 secreted by macrophages or in
the phagocytic activity of neutral red particles (measured by OD at 550 nm) among the groups. After 4 months of exposure to DU, the serum immunoglobulin levels were significantly affected (Fig. 3). With the increasing DU exposure dose, there was a trend towards an increase in the total serum IgG level in the mice, which was increased approximately 25% in the DU300 group. The total serum IgG level in the DU30 group was also significantly higher than that in the control group (p < 0.05), whereas there was no significant difference between the DU3 group and the control group. The most striking change after chronic DU exposure was the total serum IgE level. Compared with the control group, the serum IgE level was significantly increased in the DU3, DU30, and DU300 groups (p < 0.05), and its level in the DU300 group was increased by approximately 200%. However, there was no significant difference between the MK-1775 manufacturer levels of total serum IgM among the groups. Interestingly, after the long-term consumption of DU-containing feed, the
proliferative ability of the mouse splenic cells stimulated with ConA and LPS deceased with the increase of the consumption dose (Fig. 4). ConA and LPS respectively stimulated the proliferation of splenic T cells and B cells Furthermore, the results revealed that in the DU30 and DU300 groups, the stimulation indexes of T cells were significantly lower, while the stimulation index of B cells were significantly higher, than in the control group; these differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant change in the stimulation
index of T cells in the DU3 group, and the stimulation index of B cell was still higher than that in the control group (p < 0.05). SRBCs were used to induce DTH in the mice, and at 24 h after the second injection of SRBCs, the plantar thickening ratio in the DU300 group was significantly less why than that in the control group, as well as those in the DU30 and DU3 groups (p < 0.05). By contrast, there was no significant difference between the DU30 or DU3 group and the control group ( Fig. 5). Flow cytometry revealed that after long-term exposure to DU, the mouse splenic B cell surface receptor (BCR) changed. With increasing doses of DU exposure, the proportion of the total splenic B lymphocytes (estimated via mIgM+) showed an increasing trend ( Fig. 6A), and the ratio of mature B cells (mIgM+mIgD+ double positive cells) to total B cells also gradually increased ( Fig. 6B).