In a previous study we showed that over 100 daily operations are

In a previous study we showed that over 100 daily operations are performed in the hospital, and 61.1% of patients were in the sixth decade of their lives.8 The study showed that the number of CPR cases was higher in daytime shifts than

in the nighttime shifts. This was possibly due to the interventions and procedures, which might have induced cardiac arrest in the day time shifts.5,6,9 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The prevalence of ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia was 12.4% in the present study. These findings are not similar to those of Nadkarni et al.6 who reported prevalence of 23%, 35% and 32% for ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, asystole and pulseless electrical activity (PEA), respectively in adults. Although

the duration of CPR was a significant factor in predicting Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical survival after cardiac arrest in the present study, dictating a prescribed maximum duration of CPR remains impossible, especially because of the ethical concerns surrounding the issue. The determination of absolute 5-Fluoracil price accuracy of time documentation (CPR start time and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical duration) has been difficult with standard m ethods in previous studies.10,11 A review of 115 published studies showed that the survival to discharge ratios for USA, Canada, UK and other EU countries were 15.2%, 15%, 16% and 17%, respectively.12 Another study found that resuscitations longer than 15 minutes were associated with significantly decreased survival to discharge ratio.11 In the present study, CPRs with durations of <10 minutes had a significant effect on survival Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to discharge as demonstrated by comparative analysis. The results were significantly better when the duration of CPR was less than 10 minutes (table 2) and (figure 1). The average age of patients in a previous study 13 by Bialecki was 69 years,but the average age of patients in the present study was 56.4 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical years with a SD of 17.9 years The

overall survival to discharge ratio after Bumetanide CPR in the present study were 12%, which was lower than those reported by Zoch et al (32%) 14 or Peberdy et al (17%).4 These investigators,4,14 speculated that increased use of “do not resuscitate” or “No Code” orders during the study period might have resulted in higher survival to discharge ratios. We did not use the “do not resuscitate” orders in our hospital. Figure 1: The relation between the percentage of survival to discharge success and the duration of CPR Conclusion The present study provides a retrospective analysis of survival after in-hospital pulseless cardiac arrest during 2001-2008. The findings were generally similar to the results of others studies in the current literature. Seven hundred and forty one (32.8%) cases had successful CPR.

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