HIPK2 may undergo to some mutations,

and another intrigui

HIPK2 may undergo to some mutations,

and another intriguing mechanism of HIPK2 inhibition is the reported LOH in well differentiated thyroid carcinomas and in mice. Moreover, the just discovered role of HIPK2 3-Methyladenine order in cytokinesis implies its control on chromosomal instability which allows tumorigenesis. Therefore, these findings, by demonstrating the contributions of HIPK2 signaling to tumor regression and response to therapies, propose HIPK2 as potential diagnostic marker and a therapeutic target. What does the future hold for this promising tumor suppressor protein? Other than unveiling novel roles for HIPK2 in anticancer mechanisms, one intriguing area will be to discover selective compounds for HIPK2 (re)activation, for anticancer therapeutic purpose. Linsitinib mouse Ethical approval Any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript have been performed, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate ethics committee of the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy. Research carried out on humans was in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and the experimental research on animals followed internationally recognized guidelines. Acknowledgements The research work in D’Orazi, Rinaldo and Soddu laboratories is supported by grants from the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), Ministero della Salute “Progetto Giovani Ricercatori,” MFAG-10363), and Fondo Investimenti

della Ricerca di Base. We thank Dr. M Mottolese for the breast ductal carcinoma immunostaining. We apologize to all our colleagues whose work could not be cited in this article due to space limitations. References 1. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA: Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation.

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