Given that the facts of treating infants at the

Given that the facts of treating infants at the limits of viability are at best varied and still changing and reflect both poorly understood and subtle variations in care practices, the approach to the individual infant who is to born in this gray zone of less than 24 weeks should be individualized and reflect the additional variables discussed above (gender, birth weight, antenatal steroids, etc.).22,23

The ultimate parental decision should reflect a shared decision-making process guided by physicians who are truly up to date with the sometimes inconclusive data that are available and are Fulvestrant mouse cognizant of the potential Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the future. Acknowledging the reality that there is a moral gray zone in these Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical situations will be the best guarantee that moral progress will evolve and be made. Abbreviations: NDI neurodevelopmental impairment; NICU newborn intensive care unit; NICHD National Institute of Child Health

and Development (US). Footnotes Conflict of interest: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

Paradigm #1: the craft model of care. Most physicians began medical school with the view that they were becoming craftsmen, who Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical would use their unique skills, mastered over years of schooling and personal training (the “apprenticeship” of internship, residency, and fellowship), to handcraft specific diagnostic and treatment regimens that would be optimal for the care of each patient. The craft model promises Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that this approach will provide the best outcome possible for all patients. As we have noted above, the craft model, which has dominated medical practice for all time, leads to high

rates of errors, unacceptably poor outcomes, and massive waste. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Can we use industrial design, which standardizes processes, to improve care? The first person to introduce standardization to manufacturing was Eli Whitney, who used interchangeable parts to convert the production of muskets from handcrafting to standard manufacturing.4 Unlike handcrafted muskets, which often misfired and which were expensive and time-consuming to produce, muskets made of interchangeable parts were reliable and could be made cheaply and quickly. Within a few years the gunsmith was replaced with the gun factory. Industrial design has gone through many phases, starting mafosfamide with so-called “scientific management”, which featured processes carefully designed by engineers, and workers who were supposed to do what the managers told them to do.5 As an aside, when physicians oppose standardization, citing the need for “physician autonomy”, they often believe that the application of protocols will put them in the position of factory workers under the close control of a foreman (Figure 1).The next phase of industrial design involved statistical process control, sampling, and quality control.

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