Gene expressions selleck in
the early stage of PRV LY2874455 clinical trial infection In the first 2 h of infection, the viral DNA replication has not yet been initiated, and the copy number of viral genomes in a cell therefore corresponds with the infectious dose. In this analysis, we found that the mRNA levels of most examined PRV genes were higher in the cells infected with the high MOI than in those infected with the low MOI (Additional file 2a) at both 1 h and 2 h pi. This was not unexpected since in the former case viral DNAs were represented in an approximately 10-fold higher proportion in an average infected cell. Exceptions to this were the transcripts ul1, ul33, and ul51 mRNAs at 1 h pi, and ul36, ul38, ul43, and ul48 mRNAs at 2 h pi, and at both 1 h and 2 h: ie180 and ul30 mRNAs, as well as, LAT and AST. However, the expression levels normalized to the genome copy number (i.e. using R/10 values in the high-MOI infection) YH25448 clinical trial showed an inverse pattern: only a few genes were expressed at higher abundance in the high-MOI than
in low-MOI infection (Additional file 2a). AST was expressed at a considerably higher quantity in the cells infected with the low MOI than in those infected with the high MOI (Rlow MOI/Rhigh MOI = 111-fold at 1 h, and 298-fold at 2 h pi). The expression rate of a single genomic region encoding the AST was even 10 times higher (1 h: 1110-fold and 2 h: 2980-fold) in the low-dose infection experiment Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase (Additional file 2a). In the high-dose infection 6 of the 37 genes (ie180, ul36, ul50, ul54, us1, and ul24) exhibited higher expression levels at 1 h than at 2 h pi. It should be noted that 3 of them (ie180, us1 and ul54) are regulatory genes. The fourth regulatory PRV gene, ep0, is expressed at a very high level during the first 2 h in the high-MOI infection (R1 h = 1.87, R2 h = 2.05). Apart from ep0, ul5 (R2 h = 1.2) was the only gene that was expressed at a higher extent in the early stages of infection than at 6 h pi in the high-MOI experiment. The ie180 gene is the only one that was expressed in a higher amount at 1 h than at 2 h pi under both experimental
conditions (Additional file 2). Overall, it appears that the 4 regulatory genes were expressed at relatively high levels before the onset of DNA replication in the high-MOI infection, which was not the case in low-MOI infection, with the exception of the ie180 gene. We think that the reason for the higher expression of regulatory genes at the onset of viral DNA replication in the high-MOI infection is that more regulatory proteins are needed to carry out the multiplication of a higher copy number of the viral genome. The rate of change in gene expression within the 1 h to 2 h interval (R2h/R1h) was higher in more than two-thirds of the PRV genes (25/37) in the low-MOI than in the high-MOI infection (Additional file 2c). The proportion of AST to ie180 mRNA molecules (RAST/Rie180) was 0.47 at 1 h pi, and 4.