Functional data were motion corrected using a spatial transformat

Functional data were motion corrected using a spatial transformation which realigned all functional volumes to the first volume of the run and subsequently realigned the volumes to the mean volume. The anatomical scan was co-registered to the mean volume and segmented. The anatomical and functional images were then normalised to the Montreal Neurological Institute

(MNI) template using the parameters issued from the segmentation keeping the voxel resolution of the original scans (1 × 1 × 1 and FG-4592 solubility dmso 3 × 3 × 3 respectively). Functional images were then smoothed with a Gaussian function (8 × 8 × 8 mm). EPI time series were analysed using the general linear model as implemented in SPM8. Functional data were analysed Trametinib in one two-level random-effects design. The first-level, fixed-effects individual participant analysis involved a design

matrix containing a separate regressor for each block category (1–6). These regressors contained boxcar functions representing the onset and offset of stimulation blocks convolved with a canonical haemodynamic response function (HRF). To account for residual motion artefacts the realignment parameters were also added as nuisance covariates to the design matrix. Using the modified general linear model parameter estimates for each condition at each voxel were calculated and then used to create contrast images for each category relative to baseline: AV-P > baseline, AV-O > baseline, A-P > baseline, A-O > baseline, V-P > baseline, V-O > baseline. These six contrast images, from each participant, were taken forward into the second-level two factor (modality and category) ANOVA. The order of conditions was: Audiovisual (Person); Audiovisual (Object); Audio only (Person); Audio only (Object); Visual only (Person); Visual G protein-coupled receptor kinase only (Object).

Stimulus condition effects were tested with A(P + O) > baseline for sounds, V(P + O) > baseline for images and AV(P + O) > baseline for cross-modal sound-image. These contrasts were thresholded at p < .05 (FWE peak voxel corrected) with a minimum cluster size of five contiguous voxels. The inclusion of non-face and non-vocal stimuli also allowed us to examine selectivity for faces and voices. We identified face-selective and voice-selective regions, firstly with inclusion of audiovisual conditions (i.e., AV-P + V-P > AV-O + V-O for face selective, AV-P + A-P > AV-O + A-O for voice selective), and then with only unimodal conditions included. These contrasts were thresholded at p < .05 (FWE correction for cluster size) in conjunction with a peak voxel threshold of p < .0001 (uncorrected). In addition, we imposed a minimum cluster size of 10 contiguous voxels. We then identified ‘people-selective’ regions as those who showed a ‘person-preferring’ response, regardless of the condition, whether this was audiovisual, audio only, or visual only (i.e., AV-P + A-P + V-P > AV-O + A-O + V-O).

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